NMEA 2000 PGN’s deciphered - ENDIGE BOATING (2024)

NMEA 2000 (standardized as IEC 61162-3), abbreviated NMEA2k or N2K, is a plug-and-play communications standard, which is used on boats and ships to connect together devices, displays and sensors. The speed of the NMEA 2000 bus is 250 kbit/s and it enables sensors and displays and any other NMEA 2000 compatible devices to “discuss” together. Electrically NMEA 2000 is compatible withController Area Network(“CAN bus”), which is used in gasoline and diesel powered (road) vehicles. NMEA 2000 protocol is based on SAE J1939, which has been expanded by marine-specific messages. The biggest difference between J1939 and NMEA 2000, in addition to the marine-specific messages, is that in J1939 the device and sensor IDs are hard-coded whereas in NMEA 2000, the addresses are negotiated when a new device joins the network. This makes NMEA 2000 a plug-and-play -type network. Majority of NMEA 2000 and J1939 messages are of a broadcast-type with no destination address specified. Because of this, no request-type messages are needed.

Raymarine SeaTalk 2, Raymarine SeaTalkNG, Simrad Simnet and Furuno CAN are rebranded NMEA 2000 networks, but use a different physical connector than the standardDeviceNetMicro-C M12 connector.

NMEA 2000 message structure

A 29-bit ID is used in NMEA 2000 (J1939) and the structure is as follows

3 bits1 bit1 bit8 bits8 bits8 bits

First three bits (PRIO) specify the priority of the message, zero being the highest priority. Time-critical control messages (like engine control) usually get a high priority whereas less critical messages (such as speed) get a lower priority.

Next bit (R) is reserved for the future and should therefore be set to zero.

Next bit is the data page -selector (DP). That expands the possible PGN-space that the ID can be used for.

PDU format (PF) specifies if the message is a broadcast message or addressed to a certain device. PDU comes from Protocol Data Unit.

The meaning of the PDU specific -field (PS) depends on the value of PF as follows

  • IF PF is between 0 and 239, the message has an address (PDU1) and PS-field contains the address.
  • If PF is between 240 and 255, the message is a broadcast-message (PDU2) and PS-field contains the Group Extension. Group Extensions expand the available PGNs that can be broadcast to the network.

The last 8 bits of the ID contain the source ID (address) of the sending device. Each device must have its unique ID and there can only be 254 different ID’s in the network. However, only 50 devices can be simultaneously physically connected to the network.

Term Parameter Group Number (PGN) is used to refer to the 18-bit group of the Reserve bit, DP, DF and PS, which have been marked with blue on the table above.


Example: ID 0x1F50BEE in binary form is 000 000 0 1 11110101 00001011 11101110 and it can be divided into the following fields

  • First three bits are not in use (000)
  • Prio, R and DP (3+1+1 bits) = 0x01 (000 0 1)
  • PF (8 bits) = 0xF5 = 245, which means this is a broadcast-message (PDU2)
  • PS (8 bits) = 0x0B, which means Group Extension = 11
  • SA (8 bits) = 0xEE = 238

PGN = R, DP, PF and PS -fields – in this case 0x1F50B (which is PGN 128267)

ID 0xDF50BEE also contains PGN 128267, but it cannot be directly seen from the HEX-value, because priority-bits are not 000 here. To get the PGN out from this, the HEX must first be translated into a binary number as follows


Then we take the binary of the PGN (R, DP, PF and PS) which is 0 1 11110101 00001011 and translate that into HEX, which is 0x1F50B (PGN 128267).

List of NMEA 2000 PGN’s

Below is the list of NMEA 2000 PGN’s (source Yacht Devices).

653110x0FF1FMagnetic Variation (Raymarine Proprietary)
1269920x1F010System Time
1272370x1F105Heading/Track Control
1272500x1F112Vessel Heading
1272510x1F113Rate of Turn
1272580x1F11AMagnetic Variation
1274880x1F200Engine Parameters, Rapid Update
1282590x1F503Speed, Water referenced
1282670x1F50BWater Depth
1282750x1F513Distance Log
1290250x1F801Position, Rapid Update
1290260x1F802COG & SOG, Rapid Update
1290290x1F805GNSS Position Data
1290330x1F809Local Time Offset
1292830x1F903Cross Track Error
1292840x1F904Navigation Data
1292850x1F905Navigation — Route/WP information
1292910x1F90BSet & Drift, Rapid Update
1295390x1FA03GNSS DOPs
1295400x1FA04GNSS Sats in View
1300660x1FC12Route and WP Service — Route/WP— List Attributes
1300670x1FC13Route and WP Service — Route — WP Name & Position
1300740x1FC1ARoute and WP Service — WP List — WP Name & Position
1303060x1FD02Wind Data
1303100x1FD06Environmental Parameters
1303110x1FD07Environmental Parameters
1303140x1FD0AActual Pressure
1303160x1FD0CTemperature, Extended Range
1290380x1F80EAIS Class A Position Report
1290390x1F80FAIS Class B Position Report
1290400x1F810AIS Class B Extended Position Report
1290410x1F811AIS Aids to Navigation (AtoN) Report
1297930x1FB01AIS UTC and Date Report
1297940x1FB02AIS Class A Static and Voyage Related Data
1297980x1FB06AIS SAR Aircraft Position Report
1298090x1FB11AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part A
1298100x1FB12AIS Class B “CS” Static Data Report, Part B


NMEA 2000 PGN’s deciphered - ENDIGE BOATING (2024)


What is a PGN in NMEA 2000? ›

A Parameter Group Number (PGN) is a unique numerical identifier used to categorize and define specific sets of data within the NMEA 2000 protocol. Think of it as a code that groups together related data, allowing devices on a network to recognize and interpret information efficiently.

What is NMEA on a boat? ›

NMEA 2000 (IEC 61162-3) is a communication standard used in the maritime industry for connecting e.g. engines, instruments and sensors on boats. It is based on the Controller Area Network (CAN) and allows data to be sent/received between devices over a single network 'backbone' cable.

What is the difference between NMEA and NMEA 2000? ›

NMEA 2000 (IEC 61162-3) can be considered a successor to the NMEA 0183 (IEC 61162-1) serial data bus standard. It has a significantly higher data rate (250k bits/second vs. 4800 bits/second for NMEA 0183). It uses a compact binary message format as opposed to the ASCII serial communications protocol used by NMEA 0183.

What is the purpose of NMEA 2000? ›

NMEA 2000 is a plug-and-play communications standard used for connecting marine instrumentation within vessels. The plug-and-play interface allows devices made by different manufacturers to communicate with each other within the same network without causing interference between devices.

How does a PGN work? ›

PGN (Portable Game Notation) is an easy-to-read format which records both the moves of the game (in standard algebraic notation) and any related data such as the names of the players, the winner/loser, and even the date the game was played.

What does PGN stand for? ›

Portable Game Notation (PGN) is a standard plain text format for recording chess games (both the moves and related data), which can be read by humans and is also supported by most chess software. Filename extension.

What do I need to connect to NMEA 2000? ›

You must connect each NMEA 2000 device to the backbone using a T-connector. You must connect the NMEA 2000 backbone to a power source, and you must install terminators at both ends of the network for proper functionality. When you design an NMEA 2000 network, you should start by creating a diagram of the network.

What engines are compatible with NMEA 2000? ›

They are Yamaha, Suzuki, Honda and Evinrude. Honda - All 225 Hondas from 2010 and nwer, as well as the 60 and 250HP Hondas are NMEA2000 Capable.

How many devices can connect to NMEA 2000? ›

In addition to the NMEA 2000 Starter Kit, Digital Yacht also sell the following additional parts that can be used to expand or build any size of NMEA 2000 network – up to the maximum 50 devices limit.

What is Nema on boats? ›

This is the acronym for the National Marine Electronics Association, a non-profit organisation based in the US who manage communication protocols and standards for marine electronics and promote compatibility across manufacturers.

How do I know if my NMEA 2000 is working? ›

You can use the NMEA 2000 Test lead to plug in to the network at various locations and test the supply voltage. In a well designed NMEA 2000 network the voltage drop should never be more than 1.5v. So if the supply voltage is 12.5v then you should never measure less than 11v at any point in the network.

Does the NMEA 2000 need power? ›

An NMEA 2000 network must connect to a 12 Vdc power source using a dedicated NMEA 2000 power cable.

What is a PGN CAN? ›

Parameter Group Number (PGN)

The J1939 PGN comprises an 18-bit subset of the 29-bit extended CAN ID. The PGN serves as the unique frame identifier within the J1939 standard - meaning that the rules for decoding raw J1939 data are specified at PGN level, rather than 29-bit ID level.

What is the range of proprietary PGN? ›

A range of PGNs (00FF0016 through 00FFFF16, inclusive) is reserved for proprietary use. PGNs define the data which is made up of a variable number of Suspect Parameter Number (SPN) elements defined for unique data.

What is the meaning of RMC in NMEA? ›

RMC - Recommended Minimum Specific GPS/Transit Data. The RMC sentence contains the time, date, position, course and speed data provided by the GPS navigation receiver. A checksum is mandatory for this sentence and the transmission interval may not exceed 2 seconds.

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