Avengers: Infinite Wars - Chapter 125 - FreeManWriter (2025)

Over on Fanfiction, this story now has 6000 reviews. Six THOUSAND. Six fucking Thousand reviews.

Ultimatrix Bearer, I am sending this out to you, thank you for the 6000 th review. And more importantly, thank you all for reviewing and sticking by this story for so long.

I know this is a long one and it will continue expanding but… I want this to be a monolith. A true one-of-a-kind story, fanfiction, all of it that just, I dunno, but it stands apart from others.

Thank you. All of you. I hope that after a thousand more and more after that, this story continues to deliver on all its promises to you all.

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Avengers Infinite Wars Chapter 125: Tales of the Jedi: The Grandmaster

To be the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, one must represent the height of all aspects that would normally be associated with such a title and position.

Mastery of all seven forms of Lightsaber combat. Extensive knowledge of the Force and its many practices. Patience and wisdom with the propensity to instill these virtues to any and all within the Order.

And that's just the surface-level matters.

There is far more to being a Grandmaster than just swinging a lightsaber around and lifting rocks off the ground.

Something Master Yoda has started to understand in these past few years, none more so than the last several months.

He sat alone in his personal meditation chamber in the Temple on Coruscant. The Grandmaster had been frequenting this room whenever he was not conducting his duties, constantly reviewing everything that had been happening, everything he had been learning, and what the Jedi Order had been learning and rediscovering.

It was here that Yoda began a deep reevaluation of himself and the Jedi Order. So much of what he has come to learn and realize about the current state of the Jedi, the Republic, and the galaxy has been called into question.

For a moment he opened his eyes, gazing around where he sat.

The room was rather spartan.

There were only very few decorations within his private quarters.

To his right was the Holocron of Ajunta Pall, the Jedi who led a schism in the Order 7000 years ago, leading to his exile and his followers of fallen Jedi to Korriban. From there, they would form the Sith Order that would eventually come to be the eternal adversary of the Order, one born from their own actions or rather, inactions.

To his left, situated on an ornate table was a flower sealed in a glass container.

Yoda gazed upon it with a morose and even pained expression. That flower was a memento, a last gift given to him by an old king that Yoda had once called his closest and dearest friend. One who was able to live for centuries as he could and one who perished early on at the start of the Clone Wars.

King Alaric was his name. He had been a close friend for many centuries, both having enjoyed a grand friendship during that time.

All that was torn apart by this damnable war.

It's something that has begun to weigh heavily on his mind.

In another life, he would have told Jedi Younglings, Padawans, and even Knights and Masters that they should not miss those who have passed on in the Force. After all, death was the eventuality of all. Mourn them do not, miss them do not for that would be the shadow of greed.

Yet here he was, a hypocrite in his own right, mourning and missing the presence of his close friend. The Grandmaster was beginning to reassess everything he once knew because, he knew that if he did not, if the Jedi did not, the Dark Side or something far worse would swallow them whole.

And it was the "something else" that was truly beginning to weigh on the Grandmaster's heart, mind and soul.

Ultron was the first eye-opener to threats beyond the Dark Side, beyond the Force. He was an enemy to life itself.

So that beggars the question.

What else might there be?

With that question asked within his mind, Yoda closed his eyes and relaxed, allowing the flow of the Force to go through him once again. The room was darkened slightly as the lights had been shut off. Aside from the natural light from outside, there were lit candles.

He sat there for a time, utterly composed and calm as he meditated in the Force when…

A voice… there was a voice… a distant echo…


The Grandmaster's ears twitched. He cracked an eye open.


"Hear you, I do." Eyes began to wander about in utter curiosity. "Who are you?"

Silence filled the room.

"My imagination, it must be." He said to himself.

"No."Says the voice."It is not, Master Yoda."

Yoda blinked a bit more. "Who are you?"

"Don't you recognize my voice?"It playfully said."It is I… Qui-Gon Jinn."

"That… cannot be. Dead, you are."

"No. Well, I am, in a fashion. In truth, I am part of the living Force."

To emphasize this, the room began to shift.

The candles were suddenly snuffed out before everything began to lift off of the ground and not by Yoda's volition.

It utterly confused and baffled the Grandmaster. After a few moments, though it was faint, Yoda sensed it.

The presence was faded and hazy but one of the greatest strengths that Yoda possessed was the ability to bond with all Jedi throughout his entire nine centuries as a member of the Order. And with those centuries, even after their deaths, the Grandmaster was always able to distinguish each Jedi individually as he could with Clone Troopers.

"Qui-Gon…" He quietly muttered. "It is you."

"I am glad to see you, old friend. Time has not changed you in the slightest."

"On Mortis, seen you were. Yet here now…"

"That is a decision on my part. There is much I wish to discuss with you. But that coincides with why I am reaching out at this point in time."


"You shall know in a few moments, old friend. As a matter of fact, she shall be reaching your quarters in a short amount of time."

It didn't take long after this statement for the Dark Woman to make her appearance and ended Yoda's conversation with Qui-Gon Jinn.

Thus the long-awaited Gathering had to begin once more.

And in that, a journey of his own he was to undertake.

Upon preparation for the Gathering, while Master Kuro went about getting together those who would be attending this path, Yoda wanted to speak with someone before his departure with the others.

The Grandmaster slowly approached a fellow council member who was conversing with Mace Windu and Ki-Adi-Mundi.

"Master Kenobi," Yoda spoke up, giving a brief nod to the other Masters. "Speak with you, I wish."

Mace and Mundi bid their farewell, leaving the two to themselves.

"Of course, Master Yoda. What is it?"

The pair began to walk down the hallway they were in.

"Turmoiled, I am feeling. Deeply, it is." The Grandmaster admitted, surprising Obi-Wan to a degree.

"Really, master?"

"Much on my mind, there is, more so, in recent weeks. Troubled our Order is, uncertainty abounds. Knowledge of the past, mistakes of the past, failures of what has transpired, on my mind." Yoda murmured, troubling Kenobi.

"The war has taxed all of us to our limit. Especially with Ultron. I'm just honestly surprised you've reached that point." The bearded Jedi rationalized in good nature.

"Understandable, it is. Limits, we all have. But not so simple, it is."

This only further confused his fellow Council Member, and he stopped to face Yoda.

"Is something the matter?"

"Encountered something difficult, I have."

"Difficult? For you, master?"

"Spoke with Master Qui-Gon Jinn on Mortis, did you not?"

"I have and so did Anakin and Thor. However, since then, nothing." The council member elaborates. "It was mostly due to Mortis being a place so strong and tied to the Force, it helped him manifest. At first, we assumed it was just a trick with our memories, but it didn't make sense with how he interacted with Thor so that theory was tossed out. Why do you ask?"

"Perhaps, nothing it is."

Obi-Wan didn't seem to buy it. "Everything we know with the force tells that an individual retaining their identity after death is impossible. However… it was disproven as of late, especially with what occurred with Tython. Jedi that have retained their spirits after death was once common knowledge before we lost Tython for a thousand years."

"A thousand years of lost knowledge. A terrible blight upon our Order. What we once knew, we shall regain. And more there is perhaps, we have yet to discover."

"...Master… Are you suggesting you've spoken with Master Qui-Gon?"

"I… believe I have, yes."

Pondering a little, Obi-Wan decides to bring up a particular option. "Perhaps we should discuss this with the rest of the Council. If what you say is true then this is important for all of us to touch on."

"No, The Gathering there is to be."

Kenobi momentarily berated himself. "Ah yes, I forgot about that. The entire Council will not be available."

"With them, I am going. But only so far."

"You seek to leave them?"

"Handle the task, I trust them to." Yoda stated with certainty. "My own Path, I must go. Calling from Qui-Gon, something more there is to be seen."

Obi-Wan appeared to grapple with this piece of information. Frankly, he had held an unspoken desire to speak with his old Master for some time after seeing him on Mortis. And upon learning that certain Jedi from the past that surrendered themselves to the Force were able to retain their individuality…

He had hoped his old master would reach out to him again.

There was still so much that weighed upon his mind and he wished for the guidance and wisdom Master Qui-Gon once had. But he knew he couldn't be greedy or selfish. His Master reached out to Yoda for a reason.

So he would trust in his discretion as he did so in the past.

"Then I shall leave this in your hands, Master Yoda." Obi-Wan humbly said with a bow, one the Grandmaster returned.

"Worry not, Master Kenobi." Yoda remarked. "If Qui-Gon reached out to me, in turn, you shall hear him again. Promise, I will."

Hearing that, Obi-Wan could only smile in gratitude at his words, nodding and bidding him farewell as Yoda headed towards the hangar bay where the Jedi and Avengers selected for the Gathering had assembled.

On the way to Tython, Yoda was silent. He was contemplating and organizing his thoughts in order to eventually seek out answers.

Around him were the Jedi with some of the Avengers intermingling and conversing with each other, getting a crash course as to what this Gathering was all about.

The Grandmaster only listened to tidbits here and there, having absorbed himself into his thoughts.

Everything he had learned, everything he had experienced led him to one indisputable conclusion.

They were on the precipice of a great change.

On the horizon, the growing darkness endangered them all.

The thought alone was a constant in the mind of the Grandmaster. Opting to meditate for the duration of this voyage, Yoda reached out and came to a bit of surprise.

He picked up on all the presence of the Jedi in attendance, those easy to identify. Then there were the Avengers who were voids in the Force save for Peter Parker and Wanda Maximoff. Those two along with others like T'Challa, Thor, Pietro and the Sorcerers were always unique in how they manifested in the Force.

But what truly drew the Grandmasters were two unique signatures he was sensing within the crafts going to Tython. Specifically it comes from two people who were assisting in overseeing the Gathering.

Though his eyes were closed, he shifted his head in the direction of Anakin who was talking with Aayla, Ahsoka and Peter. For a moment, he was distracted by a different presence, one tinged by the Dark Side that hung from his belt.

At first, Yoda confused himself on Skywalker with the second lightsaber he carried. But he recalled the reason.

He knew ever since the discovery of Tython Anakin was carrying the lightsaber of his dark variant, Darth Vader. When asked why he chose to carry such an item, Skywalker answered that he believe this to be his true and final test as a Jedi. One that is to be a continual trial to overcome his inner darkness and become a better person so he would not fall to the Dark Side. A commendable dedication that Yoda can respect.

However, there was something else. Something unique.

'A Holocron, it must be.' Thought Yoda. 'On his person, why is it?'

And speaking of Holocrons, it seemed this wasn't the only one as he reached out to Wanda Maximoff, getting a similar feeling of the same kind of object.

She had two, in fact.

And after further observation, Yoda sensed that of the three Holocrons within this vessel, two were of the Dark Side and the other… The other was rather unique. The tinge of the Dark Side encompassed by the Light.

This bears some investigation.

Reaching the Temple of Knowledge on Tython, the Gathering took its first phase.

Instead of relatively overseeing it like countless times before, Yoda will have to depart.

After hearing An'ya give the speech to not just the Younglings, Padawans, Knights and Masters, but also the Avengers assisting them, Yoda knew it was time.

"...Let the Force guide your actions. Open yourselves entirely to the Force, it shall help you on your own path."

"And us?" Hope spoke up.

"I shall trust your discretion and insight." Was An'ya's response.

"And in that, I shall do the same." Yoda said, bowing his head.

"Wait, you're not coming, Master Yoda?" Ahsoka Tano asked in surprise.

"A path of my own, I am to take." Yoda gave them a pleasant smile. "Trust in you all, I do. Future of the Order, you are."

The worst possible thought occurred in the mind of a former criminal.

"Whoa, whoa, you're not like…" Scott squirmed. "You're not going off to die or something, are you?"

"Scott!" Wasp whacked her boyfriend's arm.

"Uh, I'm kinda with Scotty here." Hector sheepishly said. "I just watched Kung-Fu Panda again and this is sounding a lot like an Oogway Ascends type moment here."

Scott rapidly nodded and pointed at his fellow father.

"Hector, he's not gonna "ascend" on us." Clint dryly said.

"Wait, are you?" Now Spider-Man nervously asked.

"Peter." Ahsoka and Barriss admonished at the same time.

Yoda impishly shook his head, giving a mischievous look at the Jedi and Avengers. "Fortunately, no peach trees there are, hmmm. So no, no ascensions today. But, a path I do have, yes. One that I must take alone. New wisdom, new knowledge, needed for this old-timer. Still much to do I have, my own purpose for this Order, I must serve. To Master Kuro, I entrust this task."

Said Jedi Master bowed graciously.

"But before I depart," The Grandmaster zeroed in on two individuals. "Skywalker, Maximoff, a word with you two, if you please."

The named duo looked at the Grandmaster in slight surprise, taking a look at one another, and shrugging before going over to him.

"I guess we'll catch up." Anakin said to the others.

"We'll be here." Peter quipped.

While Anakin and Wanda went over to the side with the Grandmaster while the others turned back to Kuro.

"Now then," She said, focusing on the Younglings. "If you would follow me."

As the others entered the Temple of Knowledge, Yoda, Skywalker and Maximoff went elsewhere.

He guided the duo to the entrance of the Temple, turning to face them both with a calm expression.

"So, what's wrong, Master Yoda?" Anakin asked, now that they were alone. "Seems like you wanted to talk to us about something important."

"Indeed I do," Yoda now gave him a mischievous raise of his brow, lightly pointing at the pack strapped to his belt. "Something there, I sense. Something of great knowledge, hmmm? A Holocron, perhaps? One of the Sith, yes?"

Anakin froze up like a boy getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Wanda was no better, her hands flying slightly to her own pack hidden by her clothing in the back.

The Avenger has had her own criticisms and misgivings of the Jedi Order but Master Yoda was not one of them. He had always spoken with her with respect and treated her kindly, like a sage grandfather.

So for him to call her out in this regard strangely felt like a father would be ready to be scolding their child.

Sensing their uncomfortableness, Yoda was unable to withhold an amused chuckle, gesturing his hand down.

"In trouble, you are not. Merely curious, I am. Show me, please, if willing."

The pair shared a look of uncertainty, with Anakin making a squirming shrug before hesitantly, as if still feeling as though they were in trouble, they both took out the Holocrons they held, the Jedi-designed one by Wanda and the Sith by Skywalker.

Yoda regarded both items intently, making Wanda twitch at the way he was looking at them.

"This is awkward." She quietly said.

"Apologies," The Grandmaster said, tilting his head. "Another one, you have, Ms. Maximoff."

At that, Wanda made a flat face.

"Yeah, no, she's a real pain in the ass at the moment, Grandmaster. Sorry 'bout the language. Till she calms down, I'mnotbringing her out."

Yoda blinked at this rebuke, hearing Anakin chortle.

"She's not wrong, Master." He apologetically said. "XoXaan is… difficult to speak with."

Yoda's head perked up at that name, recalling it as one of the twelve names he learned about from the Holocron of Ajunta Pall. She was among the twelve who fell and led the Jedi Schism that resulted in their exile.

He certainly wished to speak with her but judging from Wanda's tone, perhaps it would be best to acquiesce to this request at this point in time.

Nodding, Yoda silently gestured for them to set the Holocrons down.

They did so, placing the two in front of him and he held out his hand, concentrating on the Force.

It took no more than three seconds for the Holocrons to rattle in place, opening afterward with two translucent figures appearing before him.

One was an elderly woman with her hood almost obscuring her eyes and the other was a heavily armored, tall man with a mask that covered his face.

Interestingly, the one with the armor that Sith Lords once wore came from the Jedi Holocron whilst the elderly woman with more traditional Jedi robes came from the Sith.

The two spirits regarded the small, green individual in front of them with the woman from the Sith Holocron speaking first.

"So this is the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order of this era."Came her ancient and measured voice."You must be Grandmaster Yoda. Wanda described you."

"And you, one of many names, you have." Yoda said in turn. "To what shall I refer to you?"

The spirit's lip twitched upwards momentarily and she bowed in respect.

"I am Kreia, Grandmaster. A pleasure to have met you at long last."

It was then that the armored Sith Spirit spoke.

"The last Grandmaster I knew was considered a friend. Satele Shan was her name."Says Darth Marr.

Yoda hummed to himself, recalling the knowledge he had accumulated in the past few weeks to pinpoint where he had heard the name.

"From Vitiates time, you are. The war against the Eternal Sith Empire of Valkorian, yes."

"Glad to know I have not been forgotten."

Yoda then turned back to the Sith Lady, the spirit picking up on his unspoken query.

"Loona Vash and Zym were the Grandmasters of my time."States Kreia.

Yoda released a long hum of deep thought, regarding the former leader of the ancient Sith Triumvirate with an analytical gaze.

"The connection, I see now. What Maximoff spoke comes from you, it does."

It didn't take long for Kreia to see what Yoda was referring to. "I see you had looked into Meetra Surik's Holocron."

"Much the Jedi has learned of it, we have. Much more, still we must." Yoda said, a small tap of his cane to emphasize this. He then turned to the Jedi and Avenger, bowing his head slightly.

"A request, for you both I have now. This path I take, much perspective is needed. These two, accompany I wish for them to, on this path."

Both were certainly surprised by this and they were uncertain for a moment.

"Fret not, upon my return, they shall to you two." The Grandmaster assured. "Need them more, I feel, than I do. But for this journey, allow them to come with me, please."

Anakin had a small frown of thought, glancing at Darth Marr and Kreia.

"It's up to you two." He said.

Wanda was surprised by this offer but found herself mirroring Skywalker's expression, turning to Kreia and nodding her consent.

The two Sith spirits regarded one another, turning to Yoda after a few moments and nodded.

Yoda gave a grateful bow and the two spirits receded into their Holocrons, floating up into Anakin's pack that he now held out for the Grandmaster to take.

"A small ship, I request." Yoda said a moment later.

"Saw some near where we left ours." Anakin thumbed behind him. "Do you need an escort?"

Yoda shook his head. "Travel alone, I will."

Wanda and Anakin frowned slightly, the former asking, "Is it wise to go alone, Grandmaster?"

"Alone, I am not, remember?" He impishly reminded, patting the pack he had over his shoulders containing the two Holocrons.

"Yeah, but how about something more tangible and physical, hmmm?" Anakin retorted, turning back to the ship they came on in time to see his trusted astromech droid rolling out.

"R2," He called out to him, the droid's head swiveling in Anakin's direction. "Perfect Timing. I got a new mission for you. Go with Master Yoda on his journey. At the very least you should have some form of backup."

The Astromech made a few beeps and chirps of confusion but R2 opted to follow Anakin's instructions, rolling after the Grandmaster. Finding a ship that was just his size, he sat in the small seat suited for him whilst R2 occupied the astromech slot, quickly connecting to the controls of the vehicle.

Anakin and Wanda watched as the small starfighter lifted off the ground and flew off, the pair sharing a moment of slight worry.

"He's gonna be alright, yeah?" The latter asked the former, seeing him clench his jaw slightly as he glanced down momentarily to think of a response.

"Grandmaster Yoda is close to 900 years old now. He's the strongest, wisest, most accomplished and skilled Jedi in the Order. If anybody can handle themselves alone, it's him. Besides, it's not like he's going anywhere dangerous… I think."

"So was that to convince me or yourself?" Wanda asked good naturedly.

Anakin released an amused huff, a stiff smile in place.

"No need to read my mind to figure that out." He let out a puff of breath, shaking his head. "Geez, I know that Ultron's been beaten and the war is at a ceasefire but my nerves are always on edge now. Is that good or bad?"

Wanda could only give an unsure shrug. "Steve always told me that our job requires us to hope for the best but always be ready for the worst. This is the life we chose. If we don't step up to protect the people who can't do it themselves, who will?"

Hard to argue with that.

Letting out one final sigh, he lightly patted her back with a friendly smile.

"Come on, let's head back with the others."

Back with Yoda, the Grandmaster piloted his ship to another temple on this planet, the sensation of the Force guiding him there.

The temple in question was Akar Kesh.

In the past, from what the Jedi had learned, the temple of Akar Kesh was once situated on what was presumed to be the tallest peak on Tython, the old pictures and drawings of the planet showing the temple atop a stone pillar with a Tho-Yor floating above it.

Through the years and constant strife, the pillar had been destroyed but due to the combined efforts of the Jedi in the past, the Temple was preserved and was now being rebuilt. It was the largest and most structured of all the nine temples on Tython so reconstruction was going along faster than most of the others.

This was also the Temple that held the Infinity Gate that led to the Avengers HQ on Earth with another having been constructed recently thanks to the combined efforts of the Jedi, Scientific Avengers and Masters of the Mystic Arts. The newest gate was now connected to Kamar-Taj and it was from there that came the first set of individuals he wished to speak with.

And what a coincidence, the group of people he wished to speak with just so happened to be present at this point in time.

Piloting his ship down, Yoda landed his vehicle in front of four individuals who turned to him, seeing the Grandmaster exit the craft.

"Grand Master Yoda." Celeste Morne pleasantly greeted with a respectful bow. "How are you? What brings you here?"

"You, my friends." Yoda said straight away. "To ask you several questions, I do."

"Us?" Stephen Strange glanced at Wong and Mordo, both of whom shrugged and turned to the Jedi who stood before them.

"What can we help you with, Master Yoda?" Mordo respectfully asked.

"A Gathering there is," Yoda began, giving Celeste a look, seeing her recognition of that event. "Here on this planet, begin, it is to. Younglings to receive lightsabers. But a different path, I am on. Given to me by one from beyond."

The Sorcerers all looked at him strangely with Morne's brows furrowing.

"A Spirit communed with you?"

Yoda gazed at her. "Aware of this, are you?"

"Yes, the truest form of immortality in the Force." Celeste stated. "During my era, it wasn't common knowledge but many Masters and Knights were aware of it. It was only accomplished by those who were in tune with the Force in a way that wasn't probably understood until death claimed them. Frankly, even now it's not fully understood. Only that you must let go,trulylet go and allow yourself to fully become one with the Force in all forms, cosmic, living and beyond."

"Beyond, you say?" Yoda said in an intrigued tone.

"From what we have come to understand," Mordo now spoke. "There are many facets to the Force in our brief research here and from what Celeste told us of her era."

"When we lost our The Ancient One, the leader of our Order, her spirit remained until her body passed on and so did her spirit." Strange stated. "But after learning about the Force Ghosts and all, we began wondering if there was a way for us to reach out to her and not just her but other past Masters."

"Bring them back, do you wish?" Yoda asked with a skewed eye.

Wong shook his head. "A dangerous matter that even we know not to trifle with. Bringing people back from the dead would have consequences we can only imagine. It has likely been done before but in the history of our Order, it hasn't been done. Some have tried and the results were disastrous."

"But with the idea of Force Ghosts, we can at least commune with their spirits." Strange remedied. "No need to disrupt the natural order of things if this in fact does happen, uncommon as it might be."

"The Wakandan Royal family has long since practiced this within their bloodline." Mordo revealed, surprising the Grandmaster. He had spoken with T'Challa about the Astral Plane a long while ago but he never brought up that he was able to commune with the dead in that plane.

All he spoke of was how in his culture, Death was not the ending, just the jumping off point of the next step in a person's path, somewhat similar to the perspective of a Jedi.

Celeste then jumped back in. "For a while now, I believe that we can create our own version of this. Since our Order can separate our spiritual bodies from our physical ones, perhaps that's our avenue to explore and utilize to reach out to past Masters in the Aether of the cosmos, the Force or even our own Spiritual domain."

Yoda absorbed all this in silence, processing their words in deep thought. When the Sorcerers first arrived and showed off their wealth of knowledge and power, the reactions were mixed.

A good chunk of the Jedi Order found them to be fascinating and exciting, sensing a connection to the Force as a means of learning new techniques and perspectives. Some had already been taken in to be trained in the Mystic Arts with various results of slow progress to exponential growth.

There were some that were neutral to it, surprisingly enough but of course, there were those openly skeptical and unsure of such practices and it wasn't hard for Yoda to understand why.

Sorcery, for many centuries, millennia even, was viewed as an exclusive practice tied to the Dark Side of the Force, techniques and powers that were used by the Sith. It wasn't that they rejected it or wished it to be gone, it's just, as he had learned this phrase from the Avengers, old habits die hard.

Old absolutes.

And only Sith deal in Absolutes.

If they were to be Jedi again,true Jedi, they must be open to all perspectives and viewpoints. And in a brief conversation he had with Celeste when he first met her, she recited a mantra that Master Wong once told her.

No knowledge is forbidden, only certain practices. And even then, rules sometimes have to be bent or broken.

Taking a step forward, Yoda put on a determined look as he gazed at the Sorcerers.

"A request, have I." He said. "To have my spirit removed, if you would."

The Sorcerers all looked at him strangely until Morne stepped forward.

"Are you sure, Master Yoda?" She tentatively asked. "It might be a bit disorienting."

"Master Sorcerers, you are. In your hands, I place my trust." He said in an assuring tone.

Celeste turned to the others who all gave their own gestures of their go ahead.

Turning back, the Jedi Sorceress gave the Grandmaster a strained smile.

"Alright," She went down to one, holding out her open palm to him. "Just place your hand on mine and brace yourself. It's gonna be really jarring at first but I figure if anyone can adapt to it quickly, you can."

Yoda nodded modestly. "Kind, your words are. To live up to them, I now must do."

"Don't strain yourself, Master Yoda." Wong interjected.

"And in the words of some of your teachings, let go." Mordo advised.

Yoda gave them all a look of gratitude before moving forward and placing his three-clawed hand on Celeste's palm.

"What, you're not gonna do it the usual way?" Strange couldn't help but remark cheekily, getting Celeste to snort.

"That's only done for first timers and nonbelievers." She shot back, glancing back at the Jedi Master and concentrated.

Yoda's brows furrowed as the air around him shifted and he felt a reverberation in the Force. His eyes then widened considerably as he felt his breath leave his body and he then found himself looking at his body in a third person.

The Grandmaster's eyes grew nearly to the size of small saucers, the rush of being in the spiritual plane hitting on all his senses. To call this an out-of-body experience would be obvious, redundant and selling it short.

"Crazy, isn't it." He heard the voice of Doctor Strange and Yoda blinked at seeing the astral forms of not only Stephen Strange but Wong, Mordo and Celeste as well. "At least you're having the tamed treatment." Grumbled Stephen.


"The first time I experienced this… I momentarily wondered if I was going through an acid trip from Hell. My mind saw all sorts of things before finding myself back in my body."

…That was rather disconcerting.

"So?" Celeste expectantly asked. "How are you feeling, Master?"

The Grandmaster was silent for a time, still taking in this new sensation when something came over him.

"Familiar, but strange."

Stephen gave him a look that made the Jedi let out an impish laugh.

"Yes I…" Yoda stopped when he was now assailed with a new feeling that made him inhale sharply.

And it wasn't just him.

The others were about to ask what was wrong when they too all froze where they were.

"Do you all feel that?" Mordo murmured quietly in slight awe.

"What're you… wait… what… what is this?" Strange whispered, his physical body getting goosebumps which he felt in his astral form.

"The Force," Yoda quietly said, allowing himself a moment to take it all in.

This was… this was unlike anything he had ever experienced before in his entire nine centuries of being alive.

He didn't know what to make of it but to feel the Force in this matter. It was as if this was the Force in its most raw, most primal, chaotic yet tranquil… he couldn't find the right words to describe or rather, there were too many words he could use and it would still fall short.

"Luminous beings are we… not just our crude matter." He softly said.

"Fascinating." Wong murmured. "I have never experienced something like this in all the times utilizing this technique before."

"It must be Tython." Celeste surmised, eyes closed as she allowed what she would describe as a river current to flow through her. "It's amazing. The planet has always been strong with the Force but this is… I've never felt anything like this before."

"Is this how you guys usually feel the Force?" Strange asked with Yoda and Morne shaking their heads.

"Not even close." The Jedi Sorceress replied. "This is completely new. It's… it's amazing. It's so beautiful and real and… I just… I'm… wow."

Yoda was about to add his own comments to this when there was another shift in the Force around them. One the Grandmaster recognized.

"Never thought you'd go through this route, Master."Says the voice Qui-Gon Jinn."At least you're not going through a dangerous method to reach out to me."

All five astral forms turned to see a new spirit now, this one not in the golden-yellow light that they were in but a bluish-white translucent hue.

"Liam Neeson?" Strange and Mordo said at the same time in astonishment.

The long-dead Jedi gave the two Earthers an inquisitive look. "Who?"

"Ignore them." Says Celeste. "But you do look like someone from Earth. Honestly, it's astonishing how many doppelgangers there are between our galaxies."

Jinn let out a small chuckle of intrigue. "Perhaps there is a greater connection between our galaxies than one would first assume."

"Ya got that right." Stephen quipped.

"Qui-Gon," Yoda whispered, at a loss for words at the sight of the deceased Jedi Master who now stood, or rather, floated before him.

"Master Yoda." The bearded Jedi Ghost greeted with a warm smile. "It has been too long. And a pleasure to meet you all. I am Qui-Gon Jinn."

"Wong." The Kamar-Taj librarian respectfully said, the others introducing themselves a moment later.

"Stephen Strange."

"Karl Mordo."

"Celeste Morne."

"I know it is far too late but welcome to our galaxy." Qui-Gon kindly said. "I only wish such a momentous traversal of the stars would be under better circumstances."

"Qui-Gon," Yoda spoke up, floating over to the Jedi a bit awkwardly but remained as he was. He held out a hand and was met with the sensation of an astral touch from Qui-Gon's own.

The Grandmaster almost couldn't believe what he was experiencing, eliciting a chuckle from the Jedi Spirit.

"Yes, it really is me. I see the years have been kind to you, old friend. Though the war still has done its number on you, hasn't it."

All he got was a tired look. The Grandmaster shook it off a moment later, putting on a more focused look as his eyes locked on with the Jedi Spirit.

"Qui-Gon, old friend. Reach out to me, you did. For a purpose, yes?"

The bearded Jedi nodded, demeanor shifting into a more serious one, arms behind his back now. "More than you realize, Master. And one that I cannot show you here. The Force is shifting, changing. The winds of change are upon us and I fear what is to come. Our Order rediscovering Tython was a blessing and a step in the right direction to prepare for what is to come."

"And what is coming?" Stephen warily asked.

The Jedi Spirits countenance was grim and foreboding. "Darkness, my friends. Darkness and death the likes of which this galaxy, nay, this universe has ever seen. I come to you, Master Yoda but now to you, new friends, to help prepare you for what is to come."

"That's not ominous at all." Strange wryly said and his friends were hard-pressed to disagree with him.

"What are we to do?" Wong asked with complete seriousness.

"Continue the work you have all been doing." Jinn answered plainly and sincerely. "What you have already started is a boon to our Order as it will strengthen and enlighten the Jedi and even the Galaxy to greater forms of power and understanding. As a matter of fact, Master Strange,"


"Through my current form and placement, if you could call it that, one is given sight to events and moments unseen by others. Your actions in saving Earth from the incursion of the Dark Dimension is one such event."

"Oh, you saw that?"

"Yes," Qui-Gon gave a look of approval. "Very creative if I do say so myself. But in that, there now lies a new issue."

"And that would be?" Mordo tentatively asked.

"This galaxy,"Jinn bluntly said. "Unlike your home planet, whilst it has protections of its own from the rest of the universe, things from other universes, not so much. Dormammu may abide by the truce created by you Strange in relations to Earth… but if there are other means of accessing this universe-"

"A bastard like him would mean to exploit it." Strange bitterly finished.

"We shall get right on it." Wong immediately said.

Qui-Gon simply nodded at the Sorcerers before turning back to his old friend.

"As for you, Master Yoda, your path is elsewhere in this galaxy. You will need to go to Dagobah."

"And what's Dagobah?" Asks Mordo.

"A planet that is…mixedwith the Force." Celeste perked up with a deep frown. "I remember it from the archives back on Ossus. Generally it's strong enough to hide someone if they don't want to be found. Yet it can come with a cost for those who are not resistant when at certain locations that areheavilyconcentrated with the dark side. It's said it can drive one insane if you're there too long."

"And you want him to go therealone?" Stephen said, clearly not liking the idea.

"He won't be alone." Qui-Gon assuaged. "I shall be with him every step of the way. And he has his own set of companions."

"He does?"

"I do." Yoda said, glancing over to his form that seemingly barely moved during the duration of this conversation.

"Well… guess we know what we're doin' for the next few weeks." Strange declared, clapping his hands together in anticipation.

"We have our work cut out for us." Karl remarked.

"I do believe you will rise to the occasion." Qui-Gon encouraged, giving one last look at the Grandmaster. "I shall be awaiting your arrival on Dagobah, Master."

Yoda simply nodded and with a sudden flick of Celeste's hand, the aged Master found himself back in his physical body. He was disoriented by the sudden shift but Celeste had her hands on his small frame, keeping him standing.

"Easy, Master, just take a moment." She softly said.

All the while, behind her, Stephen had crossed his arms, looking between Wong and Mordo.

"So… ever experienced something like that?"

Mordo snorted whilst Wong shook his head, holding a small smirk.

"We have much to do now." The green-robed Sorcerer solemnly said.

"He spoke of a greater darkness that threatens the whole universe, not just the galaxy." Strange's tone conveyed his troubled demeanor. "In a universe as vast as this one…"

"Pinpointing such a thing would be difficult. Not impossible but extremely difficult." Wong stated.

"Alone, this task, you will not hold." Yoda spoke up, having recovered from his brief vertigo. He patted Celeste in gratitude. "Much to do, we'll all have. Continue on this journey I must. Start the work of yours, you must. And in time, teach what we have all learned to all who are willing."

"So, you're goin' to Dagobah now?" Strange asked, the little green alien nodding.

"Time, a luxury we have that must be used wisely. Delay this, I must not." Yoda stated, already turning to his ship.

"Then don't let us hold you back any longer." Wong said.

"Safe travels, master." Celeste said.

Yoda entered into his starfighter, R2 whistling in inquiry as to where they were going. The Grandmaster gave the Sorcerers one final look and smiled.

"The Force be with you, my friends."

They all waved goodbye as the ship lifted off the ground and flew off into the sky, exiting the atmosphere not long after.

-Scene Cut-

It didn't take long for the Grandmaster to get to his destination, the planet of Dagobah.

Landing on the planet's surface, Yoda inspected his surroundings. It was a swamp world with thick trees, deep marshes of water and wildlife brimming with noise and movement that would be unseen to the trained eyes.

The astromech whirls and beeps.

"Yes, stay with the ship, you may. This task, for me alone, it is."

Seeing the centuries old being walk off, R2 whirs.

"Worry not, my friend. Not my first foray into the unknown, this is."

That did little to settle the nerves of the astromech.

As he walked into the swampy forest, with a small wave of his hand, the two Holocrons he had taken with him floated out and opened for the two Sith Spirits to come out.

"Oh my~"Kreia immediately drawled out."This planet… it is strong with the Force."

"Where are we?"Darth Marr inquired, very much intrigued by this planet.

"Dagobah, it is."

"...Huh, never thought to return here after so long. Should've remembered what this planet was like."

Yoda raised an intrigued brow. "Been here, you have?"

"Once or twice. Had to track down some rogue Sith that stood against the Empire before we made our alliance with the Jedi Order to take down the revived Emperor Vitiate. It was not an easy task."

That made the Grandmaster pause in his stride, ruminating on that piece of history.

For the Order to have once allied themselves with their sworn enemy… What a strange thing the past can be. As is the present and the future as well, in due time.

"This place is steeped in the Force,"Kreia spoke up, head inclining up to the skies above."The Dark Side… and the Light… and…more. I wish I would have brought Meetra and Revan here when I had the chance. What they could have learned from this place."

"Strong with the Force, this planet is."

"I'd say it's one of the purest in the galaxy."Says the familiar voice to Yoda.

Hearing this, the Grandmaster looked about alongside the two Sith spirits.

"Here I am." Yoda calmly said, seating himself on the ground. "Ready for my next instruction, Master Qui-Gon."

"A Jedi Spirit,"Marr couldn't help but chuckle with a dark mirth to his tone."How ironic. The Sith pursued their foolish endeavors in attaining immortality yet it is they who they despised more than anyone that achieved the truest and purest form of it as opposed to their twisted and depraved methods."

"I have learned that much of life when in regards to the Force is full of ironies that few could foresee until hindsight comes into play afterward."

Kreia found herself chortling at his words.

The Grandmaster was learning much from these two Sith Spirits but first, he needed to focus on the current task at hand.

"Why have you brought me here?"

There was a brief beat of silence, hearing only the sounds of the creatures inhabiting the area.

"Follow the light."

In a matter of seconds, a cloud of lights flew into the area. For a passing thought, Yoda merely regarded them as simple fireflies. However, they behaved unnaturally as if they were being controlled by another force entirely.

"The light will be your guide."

Sensing the presence of Qui-Gon, Yoda stood back up and began moving once more, the Two Holocrons floating over his hands for the spirits to stay with him.

Walking at an even pace, Yoda followed his impromptu guide through the foggy, swampy environment.

"How is it you have attained this new ability?" Yoda queried, wondering how Qui-Gon was able to return to the physical plane after nearly a decade of being dead.

"Like your unique companions, master, I am a manifestation of the Force. A Force that consists of two parts. Living beings generate the Living Force, which in turn powers the wellspring that is the Cosmic Force."

"Show yourself, can't you."

"Unfortunately, not yet. Not consistently, at least. I am still grasping at this development as my training is incomplete. Only in places strong in the Force like Tython and Mortis am I able to manifest myself properly. This place is easier but I am still having some troubles."

"The tragedy of lost knowledge."Kreia said with a shake of her head.

"Knowledge is one part but so is understanding. It is the understanding of the Force that the current Jedi lack."Qui-Gon corrected. "This was once common in the old days but time has the unfortunate side effect of losing knowledge, even for our long standing Order."

"And what have you learned, Jedi?"Marr inquired, curious if Jinn has this understanding he speaks of.

"All energy from the Living Force, from all things that have ever lived, feeds into the Cosmic Force, binding everything and communicating to us through the midichlorians. Because of this, I can speak to you now."

"That is one aspect but there is more to it than just that."Marr stated.

"I know. This is only the beginning. Might I ask what it is that you saw, Lord Marr."

The ancient Sith Spirit was silent for a moment until answering.

"In life, I dismissed the Jedi Code. Or at least, the iteration that was prominent during my era. Yet when Satele Shan showed me that what mattered most was the final mantra of the Code. There is no death. There is only the Force. And it has a plan. But at the same time… choice, our free will remains. It has always been there. It is in letting go, knowing when to take the reins and when to step back can those who practice and study the Force achieve a kind of freedom that few could ever seldom understand."

Hearing all this gave Yoda many thoughts and questions, one of which he addressed to the spirit that was unseen at this moment.

"See the future, you can?"

"I exist where there is no future or past."Was Qui-Gon's response."Only that which exists in the here and now as it is in the past and future and all. The Force and the Power Cosmic that binds all in the universe."

A small thought crossed the grandmaster's mind. Something which gave him some desire for a while now.

"Know you who the Sith Lord is? The Clone Wars, its apparent orchestrator."

"I do. However, I can only show you a place where the answers will be revealed to you. And what you find may not be what you are seeking."

The moats of light swirled about to indicate a cave composed of rock and roots.

"That place…"Marr was now cautious, guarded even. Beneath his mask, his eyes narrowed."The Dark Side of the Force… it fluctuates inside like a whirlpool. Not like anything I have experienced."

"Very interesting."Kreia mused aloud, not at all put off by the feeling."There is much that can be done in terms of training one in the Force if brought here."

"You would be right in that regard, Lady Kreia."Jinn's disembodied voice responded."Be weary, master. Give power to that which you fear, and it will show itself to you."

Yoda gazed ahead at the dark cave.

"Go in with only what you need."Darth Marr advised."Your lightsaber… you don't need it here."

The Grandmaster regarded the armored Sith Spirit before unclipping his lightsaber and set it down on the ground.

Taking a deep breath, he gazed unflinchingly into the haunting entrance of the cave before walking forward.

Kreia and Marr watched in silence as the small Jedi entered the darkened cave.

Striding forward at a steady pace, it didn't take long for the Grandmaster to feel the immediate reaction this place had to his presence. From above, tendrils of black fog swirled down, coalescing together to surround him. The fog began spinning around him and from this motion, Yoda saw a vision.

There were depictions of many people fighting together as one. Jedi and Clones against the droids and those who were Dooku's followers.

Suddenly, the clones acted strange at a moment's notice and began attacking the Jedi.

It was a complete slaughter.

No, not a slaughter; a genocide.

The sight alone was utterly horrifying.

And from the vast number of clones, there were…stringsall originating from a dark robed figure who was hackling in aSidiousmanner.

In mere moments, Yoda realized this was perhaps the Sith Lord behind it all.

However, the vision began to suddenly change. As if everything was being wound back to the beginning.

From this new beginning, there were familiar additions. The Avengers which caused untold ripples from their presence.

The strings which were connected from the clones to the Sith Lord, they began to sever significantly. It caused the Sith Lord to hiss and curse for what occurred. More followed as everything the Sith Lord sought to accomplish was utterly destroyed.

Witnessing this, Yoda felt a sense of peace that settled his heart.


Things began to change.

Other dangers, other threats manifested in the place of the hidden Sith Lord.

What was once one single red lightsaber changed into dozens more, all facing an army of blue, green and yellow. He heard the clashing of lightsabers, blaster fire and then the sounds he had come to associate with the Avengers.

The swinging of Spider-Man, the shrinking of Ant-Man and Wasp, the whirring energy of Iron Man and War Machines suits, Thor's crackling thunder, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver's powers, all of it turning into a cacophony of madness that ended just as quickly as it began.

This bewildered Yoda until he saw a light out of the corner of his eye.

From the fog, a lone blue light began to shine through. Then came a red one that was liquid in appearance before turning into a solid stone. Followed after that one was a purple stone, then a green, yellow and finally, an orange ingot. These six stones swirled about and were very distinct to the Grandmaster.

If he wasn't knowledgeable in recent discoveries, he'd be lost in their significance. Yet, he was fortunate, yet unfortunate to know what these lights represented.

The Infinity Stones.

The six singularities that made up fundamental forces in the universe. Said stones slowed down their movements before staying in place as something formed around them.

It resembled a glove of some kind… no… it was more akin to… a gauntlet.

And it began to move. The six stones floated up and slammed into the gauntlet, a flash of light and then…


And from this snap, a large wave of devastation wenteverywhere.

It wasn't limited to the galaxy, but throughout the entire universe.

The Grandmaster shuddered and then lost his breath outright. He couldn't breathe!

The death, the overwhelming loss of life!

It was… it was too much.

Before Yoda knew it, he found himself exiting out of the cave with him rasping for air. Marr and Kreia were waiting for him and the expressions they held was one of evident fear and horror.

"What was that?"Marr said in clear alarm.

Even Kreia, who would normally have a comment or remark of some kind, was speechless. Though the two spirits were not in the cave, what they felt from it was unlike anything they had ever experienced, be it living or dead.

The Grandmaster could say nothing as the visions overwhelmed him and he collapsed onto the ground.

Kreia and Marr hated that they were spirits right about now as the sight of the fallen Jedi sent a shiver down their noncorporeal spines.

From behind them, the swirling lights flew by, hovering over the prone form of the Grandmaster.

"Yoda, come back to us."Pleaded Qui-Gon."Yoda…"

"Such darkness. Such evil. Such…death." Never before had Yoda been this rattled, this… this terrified. That experience was the fears of all in the universe made manifest. "When will this happen?"

"It is happening right now… while it's happening later. The future is uncertain. With each new day, evil slowly thrives, all in the open yet unseen by all. What you've witnessed in the cave was merely a portion of what is to come."

"That is unlike what I have faced before."Marr stated harshly."Vitiate was a vile man but what happened in that cave dwarfs his actions."

"Nor I."Kreia held a disturbed frown."In my time, Nihilus was the greatest terror I had ever seen unleashed upon the galaxy. My greatest failure was that I had others sufferhimas a result. But what I sensed there…"

"Yes, it is far greater than what he once was."

"Such power. Any hope that the we can prevail… is there?" Yoda was desperate now, a feeling he had not experienced in… he doesn't even remember such a sensation.

"There is always hope, my friend, though it often comes in forms not looked for. The key is knowing how to see it and seizing that opportunity. I have been tasked with guiding you forward."

He was tasked? By whom? The full collective Force or something else entirely?

"There can be many outcomes, but your path is clear, Yoda."Jinn calmly said."The Jedi Order needs your wisdom and guidance more than ever. But to continue your training, you will need to speak with him."


"The one in the middle. He's waiting for you on Atollon."

Knowing who Qui-Gon was referring to, Yoda was quick to steel his nerves and head back to his ship.

-Scene Cut-

Arriving at Atollon, the Grandmaster had been in a subdued mood, his mind being preoccupied with the vision he saw on Dagobah. Such an experience was hard to describe or attempt to ignore.

He had been so absorbed in his thoughts, he didn't realize R2 had taken control of the ship and landed it. The slight jostle of his starfighter touching down broke him out of his stupor, seeing he was now on the surface.

The astromech let out a series of small beeps and chirps of concern.

"Apologies, my friend. Grave is the thoughts that plague my mind."

R2 made additional whirring sounds as the hatch to the starfighter opened, the Grandmaster exiting the vehicle and stepping out onto the barren landscape.

Yoda surveyed the area, hearing the astromech fly out from its slot and roll over to his side.

Wordlessly, the Jedi called upon Marr and Kreia, their Holocrons being held by R2.

"This is Atollon?"Kreia asked aloud.

"Know it, do you?"

"Only in rumor."She admitted."There is much that was seen and unseen, spoken of in whispers between the Jedi and Sith."

"I have never heard of this planet."Marr stated, idly looking around."A fascinating dichotomy, to be certain. I sense the Force here yet at the same time, the way it is conveyed, it's almost as if it doesn't want to be found."

"If you wish to understand why,"Qui-Gon suddenly chimed in, his voice being carried by the winds blowing around them."Proceed forward. He is expecting you."

Furrowing his brows, Yoda moved forward, hearing the chirp of a 'wait for me' from R2.

The eclectic group of a Jedi, astromech and two Sith Spirits passed by many Convors and Dokma until they reached a large crater.

Darth Marr couldn't help but jape at the location."This feels rather obvious."

"Sometimes it is the obvious and plain in sight that makes the best locations to hide in."Kreia mused.

Yoda simply crouched before performing a flip, landing in the center of the crater with R2 using his jets to bring himself and the two Sith Spirits down with him.

There they all stood in silence, wondering just who or what they were supposed to be looking for when they felt the ground begin to shift. All eyes snapped forward at a strange rocky set of growths, realizing it was the back of a much larger, tortoise-like being that appeared to pry itself out from the ground and turned to face them.

Yoda's eyes widened to their full extent, Marr let out a small gasp and even Kreia found her jaw drop. R2 let out a slight "Waaaaaaoooo" in alarm, eliciting a disembodied laugh from the entity.

"Well now, I am glad to know I could cause such a reaction from my entrance." He spoke with a joking tone.

Marr was at a loss for words, as was Yoda yet Kreia was the first to recover from her shock, asking the question that was on her and Marr's mind.

"Who or rather what are you?"

"The Bendu is what I am. The one in the middle. Wherein those like the Sith wield the Bogan and the Jedi adhere to the Ashla, there are always those that must occupy the center that is neglected and forgotten." The Bendu eyed them all with interest. "I welcome you to my humble abode and my planet. It has been a while since I last conversed with a Jedi, even more than a Grandmaster of the Order. And Darth Marr, a pleasure. Your story is quite the tale in the Force. As is yours, Lady Kreia."

"You know us?"Marr asked in undisguised wonder.

"Through the Force, through the Power Cosmic, when one has the greatest understanding one can achieve on this plane, one can know and see all."

"Truly?"Kreia inquired and the Bendu surprised her with a snort.

"Only so much. Even one such as I could only claim to know so much. The Force, the Power Cosmic, the universe itself is under no obligation to reveal all its secrets to us and perhaps it never will. And maybe, just maybe, that is for the best. For when a secret is seen, it can never beunseen.And there are secrets in this universe that best remain that way. A lesson many have unfortunately learned in the only way one could experience."

Marr and Kreia gazed at one another, soaking in his words before turning to the Grandmaster who appeared to be distracted.

Bendu picked up on this and leaned forward, letting out an audible hum, tapping his fingers upon the ground.

"Quite the unbalance I am sensing from you, Grandmaster Yoda."

The Jedi did nothing to deny such observations. He was right, after all. "Recent, my troubles. This journey, I've seen much in little time."

Bendu nodded, stroking his beard with a frown. "Sensing the residual marks of Dagobah, I can understand as such. That place always had a knack of unsettling its visitors."

"You've been there before?"Marr asked.

"There was a time where I freely roamed the galaxy, taking in all its wonders and splendors." The Force Being said with a forlorn and longing look. "Before my own mistakes and failures led me to my exile here."

"I have so many questions."Kreia said."So much that I wish to know."

"And you shall know of them in time. Return here with Ms. Maximoff if you would. Such lessons and such would benefit her as well." The Bendu stated. "I wish to speak with you as much as I do her. But first, I must attend to my present duty."

Hearing this, Yoda straightened out and walked forward slightly before taking a seat in front of the Force being who lowered himself slightly in turn.

"Your thoughts are weighed heavily by what you have seen." The Bendu's tone was sympathetic. "I understand what you are going through, friend. For I have gone through my own trials that made me experience similar thoughts and trauma."

Yoda closed his eyes, body trembling at the fresh memory, still feeling the effects of that vision.

"Doubt now, clouds my mind." The Grandmaster revealed, his tone haggard and exhausted. "Doubt on all of it. Doubt on our purpose, our duty, our responsibility. All now in doubt. To fight so relentlessly only to see what is to come… if it is to come." Yoda held up a hand to his chest. "I have… fear in my heart."

The Bendu sighed knowingly, nodding at the small green Jedi's words.

"It is good to have doubts, Grandmaster. One can gain wisdom from such a matter. Doubt helps us question things, especially when having so little to go off from. Keeping an open mind allows one to gaze upon the vastness of possibilities and search for answers. Limited knowledge will desire one to have more, but at an obvious cost." Bendu's tone took on a now grave inflection. "For beware with knowledge, there is a curse with such enlightenment. You must be willing and ready to bear the burden of such a weight as much as knowledge. The Sith have used it for domination, death and destruction. The Jedi, while noble in intentions, have fallen into stagnation and arrogance that has blinded them for centuries until recently where their eyes were forcibly opened."

"But what of what that vision was on Dagobah?"Darth Marr questioned."It was only meant for Yoda, yet Kreia and I unintentionally witnessed it. Such knowledge appears to be terrifying but knowing such a thing can give one the chance to be ready for it."

"Yes, yes, but how does one prepare for that? Or if they are making the proper or correct preparations? The future is as set in stone as it is an endless flowing river with branches constantly being created. The paradox of it all. What is to come that may also never come to pass."

Yoda heard all this, trying to keep his head held high yet the visions… thesnappingfingers… he couldn't see a way past it all. It was just too much. Too much death, too much loss, he couldn't… he couldn't see beyond annihilation.

"This is what the galaxy does to us." Yoda quietly said, tone now defeated.

The Bendu's eyes glossed over, feeling a sense of Deja Vu, seeing himself in the exact same position the Grandmaster was in so long ago.

He had long since relegated himself to his eternal exile but recently, after befriending Vision, after learning about all that has been transpiring, seeing the changes in the galaxy, there was that old feeling again.

That want and desire to spread knowledge and wisdom and… and to just do good. True, proper, authentic good where the reward is a better tomorrow. He may have failed in his era but the sins of the past that are to be inherited, knowingly or unknowingly, can be corrected and be made fair.

"Not if we don't take a better path."

Yoda's eyes opened, looking up at Bendu with a tinge of surprise. "You still believe?"

The larger Force Entity conveyed pain in his eyes yet smiled all the same. "Time has taught me much. I have been here, isolated and alone yet still connected to all the life in this galaxy. And I have come to remember something I once fervently believed in but abandoned at my lowest point. Just because someone stumbles, loses their way… it doesn't mean they're lost forever. Sometimes we just need a little help."

Yoda's head tilted down now, doubt and uncertainty permeating his mind and heart.

"Question myself, I do, more than ever now. The Jedi, I thought I was, perhaps I am not." Yoda closed his eyes and nearly felt tears come out as he recalled the vision again on Dagobah. "All that I saw. That echo. All that pain… So much pain."

The Bendu held a sympathetic gaze, leaning down to get closer to the Jedi, speaking softly as he did so. "It's not their pain that you are just afraid of, my little green friend. It is yours. And The Force, the Power Cosmic, knows it."

Yoda looked up at the being who smiled at him in understanding.

"Fear is not to be turned away or ignored by the Jedi. To be a Jedi is to face such fears, understand it, accept it and in that, conquer it. You cannot avoid fear because that is something every single being must experience. Pain is not to be neglected, but embraced. And as frightening as it may be, that pain will make you stronger. If you allow yourself tofeelit.Embraceit. And when you do, you will find a strength, a power within that you could never have imagined. It's the greatest gift ones such as ourselves, such as the Avengers possess. To bear the pain of others without breaking for it stems from one of the most powerful forces in all of reality.Hope.Hope is what makes us strong. It is why we are here. It is what we fight with when all else is lost. So please, Master Yoda, hold onto that Hope. That Hope in others, in yourself. Hope is what you give yourself even in the darkest of moments. It can be fragile and fleeting but when truly embraced, you shall become an unshakable and unbreakable Force that few can match."

With every word, Yoda felt his strength returning to him, his resolve.

Yet still…

Bendu sighed good naturedly, giving the Jedi a small look.

"Close your eyes, my friend." He instructed.

Yoda quirked a brow for a moment but did as he was asked all the same. Bendu followed suit, exhaling slowly.

"Now… reach out. Truly, reach out to the Force. Allow all that you see to detach from you here and truly…reach out."

Yoda followed his instructions to the best of his power and suddenly, that weightless feeling he had from before back on Tython with the Sorcerers had returned. Only this time, this time, he felt something else.

He felt something more.

That weightless feeling turned into flight and he was able to see it all.

The stars, the planets, all the systems, the cosmos,all of it.

And with this came the rush of life that encompassed everything in the galaxy. He could sense them all.

"Now, find those in your Order, your Troopers, the Avengers, the Guardians of the Galaxy, reach out to them all. Void some may be, you are only seeing them through the lens of the Force. Through the Power Cosmic,"Yoda gasped, the rush of a power that was so alien yet familiar all at once nearly erupted within him.

He heard Bendu laugh slightly. "Worry not, my friend, this is my doing. It's just to give you that added push."

The Grandmaster absentmindedly nodded, resuming his concentration of what he was already feeling and doing as was asked a moment ago, Yoda stretched out his connection through the Force and he saw them.

His Jedi Order, his family. The Clone Troopers who had been serving faithfully and fearlessly for them and the Republic. And the Avengers, the unique and powerful beings that have fundamentally altered the trajectory of the war and the history of the galaxy.

"Good, good, now… feel their loss, feel their sorrow that goes unseen and unfelt by all."

Yoda gasped, shuddering at all of it. From his point of view, flashes of memories not his own assailed him, almost overwhelming him.

He saw Anakin, holding his dying mother in his arms with Obi-Wan doing the same to Qui-Gon Jinn, the two back to back in a black and blue void.

Then came Barriss, experiencing the horrors of the Citadel, the war taking its toll on all the Jedi. Ahsoka's distant, forgotten pain of being separated from her parents, Aayla's time as a slave both as a child and as a young teenager, Vos' grapple with the darkness within.

But the Avengers were something else.

He saw Spider-Man crying over an elderly man, Captain America, sitting alone in an apartment on Earth, tears in his eyes and picture of a woman in a locket, Ant-Man seated in a jail cell, Wasp standing in front of a grave, Sam holding a pair of dog tags, Wanda and Pietro as children seeing their parents vanish in a blaze of fire, Tony Stark flying through a wormhole and witnessing an endless alien armada, Thor clutching both his mother and brother, Matt Murdock as a boy clutching his father's corpse.

All the Avengers and all their pain.

All the Jedi and all their pain.

It was almost too much for the Grandmaster. He nearly pulled himself away from it all until…

He saw Anakin turning to Ahsoka, the pair having a powerful bond of Master and Padawan, Brother and sister mend the pain in their hearts. Barriss being embraced by Luminara followed by Peter and Tano, helping her heal and stay strong. Obi-Wan seeing his Master on Mortis, Qui-Gon placing an assuring hand on his shoulder.

This went on for all of them with sights and surprises that only added to this growing, unyielding strength that they were all forging.

He saw Captain Rex, Commander Cody and many other Clones standing tall and defiant, side-by-side in spite of their loss.

Steve placing his forehead against Aayla Secura, Obi-Wan having a laugh with Anakin, Sam and Scott joking together, Black Widow holding Mara Jade close to her, Doctor Strange's hands shaking yet unbroken, Mordo instructing Jedi and Clones alike, Barriss healing those in need, Thor using his powers to call for rain in a barren world that desperately needed it, Plo Koon instilling courage in his men, Katy Chen's first time rescuing a young child.

Yoda experienced all of this, saw all of it at the same time, and it was… it was beautiful.

To see such people having endured so much pain, loss and suffering but they refused to bow, bend or break. They didn't allow the worst aspects and parts of their lives to drag them down.

And just because they stumbled, just because they fell, it didn't mean they were lost forever.

They had help. And they held onto Hope.

And as the Bendu told him, when he opened himself up to their pain, to what they experienced, Yoda felt a power he had never experienced in his life. It was exhilarating and humbling.

To know that such power could come from others. And in these series of visions, the Grandmaster was unintentionally made privy to a great many deal of secrets and personal relationships but rather than be upset or troubled… Yoda felt at peace and contentment.

It made him realize that bonds, attachments, while they can be exploited, could be dangerous, the heart of these attachments are forged in the Light. With love, friendship, family, brother and sisterhood, these people were reforged and made strong.

"Love can save, not condemn." Yoda quietly said, now beginning to truly understand the words of Jolee Bindo.

"Good, you're beginning to see more than you have before."Bendu's voice echoed around him, causing Yoda to close his eyes….

And when he opened them again, he was back on Atollon, levitating a good foot off the ground with pebbles and rocks floating around him. He saw The Bendu's grinning face and behind him were Marr and Kreia yet he realized something had changed.

Yoda looked down and saw his clothes had changed altogether. No longer was it the mismatch of brown and beige robes and garments.

He was now garbed in clothing of pure, pristine white and even his walking stick had changed. It was also a sharp white with the cane now akin to a staff that was slightly taller than him, with a circle at the top.

Yoda looked on in open wonder, holding out his hand and the staff floated into his hands, settling comfortably upon his palms.

"A gift from the Force." Bendu answered the unspoken questions he sensed from the Grandmaster. "One that shows your progress to a higher understanding than what you once knew."

Yoda floated down, feeling a sense of lightness that was a complete juxtaposition to what he had experienced just a few minutes earlier.

"Something tells me you found what you were looking for."Darth Marr commented from behind, hearing Kreia snort in open amusement.

"Are we to refer to you as Yoda the White now?"Says the Lady of Betrayal, earning a look from Marr."Blame Maximoff for the reference."

Hearing this, Yoda laughed impishly, recalling the spectacular Earth film he had watched.

"Perhaps." He mischievously said. "Appropriate, is it not?"

"You have done well, Grandmaster," The Bendu praised. "Though your journey is not yet over, what you have accomplished here is nothing short of a giant leap forward. What you do right now is entirely rested upon your shoulders."

"My own?" The very notion felt momentarily foreign to him.

"Much as the Force possesses its own Will, the choices one makes for themselves always remains." The ancient Force being stated. "So I ask you this, my friend. What do you wish to do now?"

The centuries old Jedi silently contemplated on this, his mind going through everything that had transpired since Tython.

His mind kept replaying it all until it settled upon all that the Bendu had told him and what he had seen in his meditative vision.

And from there, Yoda knew where to go next.

-Scene Cut-

The Grandmaster's starfighter came out of hyperspace, now slowly drifting towards its destination.

Inside the ship, the leader of the Jedi Order's gaze was calm and resolute.

Coming to the planet Serenno would have been suicidal had it been a few months ago, hell a few weeks or even days ago.

But a lot has happened, much has changed and now, Yoda was here with one purpose in mind.

Piloting the ship down, he barely acknowledged the fleet surrounding the planet, R2 whirring about nervously.

The astromech had clearance codes that he had been holding onto for months now. These clearance codes came from Padme who had programmed them into him given to her by her friend Mina Bonteri. It was to allow her for easier traversal of the Separatist system to see old friends plus not get into as much trouble as she initially did at the onset of the war.

Thinking about it now, after seeing all that he did from Atollon, Yoda now felt inclined to thank Anakin and his wife for being able to do this.

What a strange galaxy this can be sometimes.

Landing his craft on the Dooku estate, it wasn't long before the Grandmaster saw a number of people were quick to greet him.

And not in a pleasant approach.

A mixture of familiar and unknown faces were in his sight as all were ready to attack. The two in front of this group were those he recognized immediately.

"Kadrian, Prosset, good to see you both, it is." Yoda pleasantly greeted them both.

The Zabrak Acolyte sneered at the short Force-User, her eyes now a sickly red and yellow whilst Prosset remained neutral but Yoda could feel how uncomfortable the blind fallen Jedi was right now.

"Master Yoda." Dibs replied in an even tone.

Sey was less inclined to be as welcoming.

"What is your purpose here, Jedi?" She almost growled.

Yoda was nonplussed by this tone.

"The Count, I wish to speak with." He respectfully answered.

Kadrian scoffed. "He's busy."

A green brow was raised in response. "Is he now?"

"You are not welcomed here." She spat out. "Leave now."

Yoda simply looked at her with a sad smile, turning to Prosset a moment later.

"Sorry, I am, to both of you. Allowed myself and the Order to get to the point where noble souls like yourselves to fall and take no accountability. Wrong, we have been."

Prosset visibly jerked his head back at such a statement and Kadrian visibly flinched, momentarily at a loss for words before snarling and becoming enraged.

"That's it?!"She shouted, a reverberation felt around them. "You came all this way here to just saysorry?!Who in the hell do you think you-"


The booming deep voice cut off her tirade instantly, making her flinch again, her head whipping back to see the Count of Serenno approaching them.

He appeared unbothered by all that was happening, instead keeping his gaze locked firmly upon the Grandmaster.

"Lord Dooku," Prosset quickly said. "We were just-

"Leave us." He didn't give any of the other Acolytes any regard, instead focused solely on Yoda.

Kadrian gaped, her mouth opening and closing several times, stammering out a response.

"But master-"

"I said," Dooku now faces her, his gaze easily cowering the Zabrak. "Leave. Now."

Properly scolded, the Acolytes did as their Master asked, quickly vacating the area, leaving the former Master and Apprentice by themselves.

"Please, this way." Dooku cordially said, Yoda simply nodded and followed his old student into his home. "We can continue this inside."

The pair walked in silence, the doors closing behind them upon entry to Dooku's estate.

"Interesting choice of attire, my old Master." The Count commented, breaking the silence between them.

"Change, I have. Necessary, it is." Yoda calmly said.

Dooku eyed him momentarily, taking in the new look his former mentor now sported.

"Like the others, I am curious for your arrival."

"Understandable, that is." Yoda conversationally remarked, not seeing the Count's slight frown. "Would have questioned this myself a few weeks ago."

"Then it is clear that more than your attire has changed." He stated, getting a hum from his old master.

"More than you know, my old Padawan." There was a knowing tone that made Dooku internally squirm.

His master… he felt him coming even before he exited Hyperspace. He didn't know why or what compelled him to do so but he felt it in the Force. Felt through the Bond they once shared, that still existed despite how fractured and beaten it had become.

And now that he was here, the Sith Lord felt a seismic change in his Master.

The Force exuded from him in a manner both new and old that almost left him breathless after reaching out to get a sense of him.

It was almost too astonishing for the Count. But in the back of his mind, a little voice told Dooku that if anyone was able to accomplish this, it was his old Master. And it wasn't just Yoda who was here.

His Acolytes either didn't notice or didn't try to pick up on the two additional signatures that were being carried in the pack slung around his shoulders. They were of Sith and Jedi origin, if he could deduce it.

Only one way to find out.

They made their way into his personal office and study and Yoda was quick to spot a single mat situated in the center of the room.

In a brief instance, Yoda saw the memory of himself placing down two identical mats within a training room in the temple of Coruscant. One for him and the other for a much younger Dooku who looked eager and excited to learn from the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order.

"Remember your first lightsaber, do you?"

Dooku let out a snort, a relaxed and amused one, one he had not done in many years.

"Yes, I recall it nearly exploding in my face." He shook his head in mirth. "So eager I was, trying to slap together my lightsaber and show it off totheGrandmaster of the Order. So bullheaded and stubborn. Completely ignoring your one warning."

Yoda chuckled impishly. "My own mistakes, I did. Forgot about several fluctuations within a saber."

"Of course, later on when I became a Master, I believed my new lightsaber fitted me more than any other I wielded before. However, you and many others voiced a number of concerns until finally accepting it."

"But forget we do, the lightsaber unique to each owner. So stubborn we were back then."

"Back then?" Dooku couldn't help but retort, the two sharing a proper laugh now.

This small interaction soon led into a long winded conversation about memories, missions, training day and studies of the Force. It was strange as whatever tension and hostility one would have expected was completely absent between the two.

The sight could be described as more akin to being two friends catching up after a long time apart.

Their talk went on like this until Dooku recalled the other two signatures Yoda had brought with him that he sensed initially.

The Count of Serenno soon focused his attention to the sack his former master carried on his person.

"Strange to see you carry objects which are…uniquelybathed in the Force."

"Ah yes," Yoda's tone threw off the Sith Lord, hearing the self-deprecating nature behind it. "Foolish of me to leave them unattended for this long."

Conjuring forth the two Holocrons, they opened a moment later to reveal the spirits inside, stunning the Count. He recognized the pair almost immediately.

"Dooku, Marr and Kreia, this is. Two new friends and companions they've been for my journey."

And upon getting this confirmation, Dooku did nothing to hide his shock and awe. His knees almost buckled immediately, the instinct to kneel to his betters kicking in before Marr held up his hand.

"No need for such old practices."The ancient Sith Lord calmly said, sensing the innate practice."We are past such greetings. When I passed, I had discarded my title as a Sith Lord."

"And I exist well and true beyond it."

Dooku regarded the elderly woman with reverence and curiosity.

"I last heard that you had been carried by Wanda Maximoff." He couldn't help but say.

"My current pupil, yes."Kreia gave the Count a pointed look."I assume you heard this from Asajj Ventress, no?"

"Oh? Alive, is she?" Yoda asked, his question actually making Dooku clear his throat awkwardly, a silent means of saying 'yes'. "Good, good. A tragedy if she were to perish before her time."

This meeting was starting to be a bit much for the Count ifthatwas the response the Grandmaster was conveying.

"How?" His head snapped in the direction of his former master. He had finally had enough and needed answers.

"Why?What is all this, Yoda? Why have you come here? What are you hoping to accomplish?"

"Accomplish?" Yoda airily replied. "Accomplish what, might I ask?"

Dooku made a small strangling noise from his throat. "Don't play me for a fool. You come here unannounced, behaving like everything that has happened in these past few years as inconsequential. Then you bring holocrons belonging to twoveryinfluential people in not just the Sith, but for the Force as a whole. Those two greatly shifted it during the Old Republic while laying greater foundations for later generations. I have had enough of this game, Master. What is it that you want?"

"A game this is? Wishing to speak to my old Padawan? Desire, that is all."

The Count clenched his fists tightly. "Forgive me if I find myself disbelieving such a simple "desire", my old Master. These two being here do not help your case."

"Oh dear,"Kreia deadpanned."Did you hear that, Lord Marr? It appears the Count has us all figured out."

"Yes, it seems we failed in hiding our intentions and protecting the Grandmaster from such wild accusations."

Dooku almost couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Sarcasm runs deeply with the Sith, no matter how hard it is to beat it out."Says Marr."Granted, it happens in smaller increments."

"Come now, you and I both know our current pupils are to blame for these vices."Kreia said with a shake of her head."Honestly, the way the Avengers talk and banter, their insufferable comments, jokes and sarcasm is a second language to them. Though, I admit, Revan was the same for a time when he was my padawan."

Honestly, things would've been pushed further if Yoda was lent XoXaan's holocron. One of the founders of the Sith Order would've escalated things.

"It appears we are breaking your old pupil, Master Yoda."Marr noted in amusement, picking up on the man's current demeanor."Perhaps it is best we leave you two be."

"Yes, lest we risk giving him an aneurysm."

With that said, both spirits receded back into their Holocrons, Yoda casually having them float back into his pack.

"They are… not what I'd expect." Were Dooku's words on their behavior.

"Expect more, I believe, once interacting further." Yoda remarked humorously.

"Would that be wise?" A bit of Dooku's earlier demeanor now returned. "Contradictory with how the rest of the Jedi Order operate? After all, I recall when I was a youngling, a fellow clan member was too curious for his age and opened a Sith holocron and greatly affected many."

"Remember that day, I do." Yoda said with a shake of his head. "Took it, Lorian did. Believed to achieve what he wasn't prepared for. The blame, misplaced on you. Expelled, he was."

"Yes. I met him again during the early days of the war. He was foolish in hopes of stopping me, resulting in his own end."

"Sorry, I am." Yoda earnestly said.

There was a silence between the two, one who was utterly relaxed and the other now tense and uncertain.

"Why are you here, Master Yoda?" Dooku asked again, this time, his tone calmer but a slight tremble was heard. "You come here with two Holocrons containing Sith yet are dressed with what could only be described as the purest of Lights in the Force."

"Purest of lights?" Yoda snorted at that, shaking his head. "Of that, wrong you are, Dooku. Pure, I am not. Much doubt, mistakes and failures this old master has made. More so than any other Jedi in this lifetime."

This only further served to confuse and frustrate the Count. He was about to ask what he was talking about but Yoda beat him to the punch.

"Why did you choose the Dark Side, my old Padawan?" Yoda's tone was unreadable and devoid of any emotion. "Is it truly as strong as you believe it to be?"

"What?" The question was jarring to the Jedi turned Sith, staring at the white-robed Jedi in bewilderment. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"Plain, the question is." Yoda mused, looking up with his eyes narrowing. "But response, I expect it not to be for you. Answer your question, I will. Long, my path has been. Longer now these past few years. Recently, new perspective has been given, much thought I have had now. Of the Jedi. The Sith. Light and Dark. The Middle. The Force. Forbidden power and knowledge, tempted many for years. I'd be weary, in the past, like many of those before me. Caution, when handling in our vaults. Remind myself, as of late, that an object cannot make one good or evil. Define oneself, one's actions. Change, one can be afraid of." Yoda's eyes were piercing as he gazed at Dooku. "To find balance within, understand the dark, I must. Tell me of the dark side, my apprentice."

"I am not your apprentice anymore." Dooku instinctively said.

"You think Yoda stops teaching, just because his old student doesn't want to hear, hm? Yoda, a teacher is. But now, you are the teacher. The student, I must be for now."

Tyranus was clearly uncertain, clenching and unclenching his jaw before nodding slowly. "...Very well. We will start from the very beginning."

"Tell me, is it hard to find the dark side?" Yoda patiently asked and Dooku could hear the genuineness behind his tone.

"No. The law of the Sith is a completely different matter. But to touch the power of the dark, to begin to know it, all that you have to do is allow yourself and relax. We all carry the dark side within ourselves. Surely you must know that by now. Half of life is dark to balance with the light. It waits inside of you like an orphan, waiting to be accepted and welcomed home. We all desire, Yoda. We all fear. We are all beset. A Jedi learns to suppress these things, to ignore these things and pretend they don't exist. Or if they do, apply them to someone else instead of themselves who are pure and protectors. To know the dark side is to merely stop lying. Stop pretending to know what you want. Stop pretending you don't fear what you fear. Half the general day is night, Master Yoda. To see truly, you must see in the dark."

"The dark side, power it would give me."

"Power over all when you understand your own evils and the evils of others, it makes them pitifully easy to manipulate. It's another kind of push feather. The dark side will show you the stiff places in a being. Their dreads and needs. The dark side gives you the keys to them."

"Very fine, that is. But Yoda has power." The grandmaster motions his hand to the estate they were in. "I live in a palace bigger than this one if I count the temple as a palace. Dooku is a master of armies, but Yoda is a master of armies too. So far we are even."

Dooku grimaced at these count points. They felt childish but knowing his former master, they were also to be true. He was in fact living in a palace far greater than this one. He was in fact commanding armies the same as he was.

"Is there such a thing as too much power? For instance, there was a day where your power was greater than mine. Today, however, I have waxed as you have waned."

Yoda gave him a look. "Waned, have I?"

Dooku felt slightly foolish in saying this when he knew Yoda had changed. In their earlier conversation, despite it being cordial and even friendly, the Count had been studying his Jedi Master through the Force and what he saw was that he had grown far stronger than he last spoke and encountered him. Regardless, he pressed on.

"You are present within my citadel. I have in my command servants, acolytes, droids and great powers of my own that I think would overwhelm you. It is possible with a single word I could end you. And without you, how long would those dear to you last? I could have them, one by one. I could list them all. Surely you would feel safer if this were not so."

"Like Skywalker, you do not."

Dooku hums a little. "He perhaps reminds me of myself when I was his age. Arrogant, impulsive, proud. I realize humility is high among the enforced virtues, the ones no one acquires by choice. But that being said, if fate is looking for an instrument to humble Skywalker once again, I confess myself willing to volunteer."

"Power over beings, I do not. What else can this give me, this dark side of yours?"

The Count grunted, quickly growing impatient now.

"...What game are you playing at?"

"No game, this is. Wasteful, this war has been. Even you agree. Again, I ask, what else can the Dark Side give me?"

"What do you want?" Dooku asked, almost exasperatedly. "Wealth? Control? Power? Conquest?"

"Wealth, I need not. Live in a temple I do but can survive alone in peace, I can. Control, a fool's errand this is. Only of my emotions and choices, Control I have. To enforce it on others, brittle and weak, that can be as easily broken as it will be. Power? Power I have. But broad that desire is. What defines power? Physical strength? Knowledge in the Force? Influence on others? To broad a spectrum it is. Conquest? To what do I need that? To what end will I accomplish my desires through conquest? The shadow of greed, that is."

"So you have no desires?" Dooku asked in disbelief, eyes narrowing at him. "Nothing at all? Even I find that difficult to believe, Master Yoda."

Hearing this, the aged Jedi couldn't help but admit some truth to it. "Desire, that I do want, are those who I have lost."

Sensing his chance, the leader of the Separatists pounced on it. "Like King Alaric?"

He saw Yoda's shoulders sag, a forlorn expression appearing, one Dooku seldom ever saw during his time as his apprentice. "Yes. A friendship, long it was. Snuffed out as it happened, his life. Forced to take it, I did. Orchestrated, his nephew caused."

Dooku was aware of this, having heard the reports and story. And despite their current predicament, the Count found himself reflecting upon the deceased King.

"He was a good man." Dooku's voice was earnest. "When he joined the Separatists, he approached me instead of the other way around. It surprised me at the time, but I accepted him all the same. Alaric often spoke of you when he joined. He was wrought with grief and guilt at now having to view you as an enemy despite showing how he still valued your friendship. He sought protection for his people, those who he greatly cared for. For nearly two centuries, many neighboring systems looked up to him like how many in the Jedi Order look up to you. I found myself admiring him like how I admired you. For he understood much on how the galaxy operated before the Republic began to become corrupted and sought his own balance."

The Count observed the Grandmaster and did a double take, almost believing he was seeing an illusion as the tear peeking out of the corner of Yoda's eye, it getting wiped away.

"To keep safe those I care for, I do. But know this, an impossible want this is. For all I care for, one day, they shall pass on into the Force. Death comes for us all, sooner or later. Many Jedi and friend, taken too soon they were. This war, Ultron, the Sith, no matter what I do, death will claim them one way or the other and I cannot do anything about it."

And it was there that Dooku saw his chance.

"Then be angry, be furious. Rage at this notion, my old Master. Hate, despair, cry, scream, all of it. That is what the Dark Side has the power to do. For once, do not view the Force as a Jedi and instead view it from the truth. Admit what you have always known. You are alone and you are great. You stand above all others and when the universe strikes at you, you must strike back. Don't turn your cheek. Feel Yoda. The dark side understands passion in a way you never have. For it comes from the heart. Here in this place, in front of me, be honest for once and feel the truth of yourself."

Yoda stared at his former pupil with a stoic visage until he released a sigh.

Dooku's lip and nose twitched, feeling as though the Grandmaster had been underwhelmed or disappointed by what he had said. But he did not let up and instead opted for a few tweaks this time.

"You should know, better than anyone, that the greater the light, the greater the shadow it casts. Think of the current Sith Lord. The light the Jedi had cast was so vast and great, they failed to see the shadow of the Sith having settled itself right under them. Now think of what you can do. The potential of you touching the dark would be astronomical. Honestly, I'd be afraid of the prospects. Even now I can feel it stirring within you."

What Yoda says next floored Dooku. "Part of me, it is. Like all that lives. Accept its presence, I must. Long have I neglected, ignored and denied its power. But that is the practice of the ignorant. For the Dark Side always surrounds us it does. Now I see, through patience and training, I can understand and perhaps wield. Power it has, yes but power over me, it won't. But you have asked and so…"

Suddenly, the entire area of the room behind Yoda darkened to the point where Dooku could only see outlines of other furniture and objects and the windows were almost blotted out. When he faced Yoda, the Count audibly sucked in his breath, his eyes widening to their full extent and the hairs on his neck standing on edge.

There in the darkness was the faint outline of the green Jedi with only his eyes becoming fully red holding Dooku's attention.

So potent it was, even the acolytes stationed within the estate grounds could feel it.

It wasfargreater thanevenDarth Sidious himself.

But something about this utilization of the Dark Side… it was… it wasdifferent. So unlike the rage, hate, anger, despair, sorrow and ambition from what he had been shown.

There was a control to it, a display of embracing the Dark Side, bowing to it and not letting it control you and respecting it all at the same time.

How was it that he seemingly knew how to control the dark? Was it from the two holocrons in his possession? No, it couldn't… right?

Even still, these thoughts passed Dooku by, the man being held only in fear.

Yet when Yoda spoke, it was still the kindly voice he always had.

"The Dark Side, this is. And unsubstantial, it shall be."

And like that, the pressure, the overwhelming fear Dooku had felt disappeared in an instant. He was left breathing heavily, a sheen of sweat appearing on his forehead. When looking at his Master again, Dooku nearly did a double take as, for a moment, he thought Yoda was glowing a bright, pure light.

Shaking his head, he saw that wasn't the case but…

"See now, do you?"

Tyranus said nothing, instead feeling his legs turn to jelly yet he remained standing.

From Yoda's perspective, he had seen all the power and temptations the Dark Side had to offer but recently, his perspective of it began to change. The Dark Side, while presenting itself to be this malevolent Force, was not inherently evil. Some would assume it to be and some of its practices were sinister in nature yet those practices came from people. Peoplechoseto allow their worst impulses, desires and wants to take hold and commit atrocities, parading itself as the Dark Side, when it was really the worst versions of themselves taking over.

During his little display, as much as Yoda "Embraced" the Dark Side, he was also replaying visions he had experienced during this journey.

One was of Peter Parker, staying his hand from killing the man who murdered his Uncle.

The other was Steve Rogers finally putting his first love to rest in his mind and moving on.

Another was Anakin Skywalker, mourning and weeping for his mother yet in this, there was a clarity and contentment he had not felt before.

Then came Mace Windu in accepting the desires and wants that he once had and sharing them with Skywalker.

He saw all that and more whilst in the throngs of the Dark Side and in that, it made dispelling it all the easier for him.

But there was also something else he had experienced while in that state and he wouldn't deny it in front of his former apprentice.

"Ask me my want and I shall tell you. I want my old Padawan back. But force it, I shall not, pursue it, I shall not. For choice, remains in your hands, Dooku. And choice it shall always be. I want my student back in the Temple with the kin he still cares for."

Dooku was speechless, not expecting such a statement. He had longed believed that any and all ties had been severed by his own hands.

"Very kind of you to say. Decent of you to give me an arm to lean on."

"Always catch you, will I when you fall, swore it I did. And uphold it, I always shall."

The Count's grim visage slowly fell into a sad and remorseful frown, a tired and self-disappointed expression now taking over.

"I'm sorry, Master… it is too late for me."

Yoda now held a fierce gaze that contrasted with the warmth in his eyes as he walked forward, about to move pass by his former Padawan when he stopped right by his side.

"Stumbled, you have. Lost your way, some might say. But forever lost? No. One time, this old Fool would have told others that once you go down the path of the Dark Side, forever lost you shall be to it. Those are the words of one who has surrendered themselves. I now know better. Even if one does both, does not mean they are lost forever. Sometimes, help from others is all one needs. And that shall always be, Dooku."

With nothing left to be said, he left the man who was standing in the center of the room, completely at a loss of what to say or do. He could only turn back, catching sight of his master at the last second just as the doors closed behind him.

Making his way back to his ship, Yoda saw the unsettled and weary looks from Dooku's acolytes. He couldn't blame them. The bravado and pride greatly waned when feeling his brief touch into the dark side in order to prove a point. A few had even opted to move out of sight upon spotting the Grandmaster, making his path clear back to his starfighter.

Approaching his ship, R2 let out a few whistles of relief, eliciting a chuckle from the Jedi.

"Worried about me, were you? Appreciate the gesture, I do. Come, our business is done."

R2 then let out another beep, making Yoda frown.

"An important transmission you have? From who?"

A whirring and whistle was his response.

"Gathering completed? Something else found? A new planet."

R2 chirped in affirmation.

"Our journey appears to not be over." Yoda mused, entering the small starfighter.

As Yoda flew away from the planet, the familiar presence of Qui-Gon surrounded him.

"Thank you, Master Yoda."The gratitude was easy to pick up on as was the tender kindness as well.

"No, old friend. Thankyou."

-Scene Cut-

He didn't know if there could've been more for his string of lessons he wanted to undertake. Unfortunately, they had to come to an end when getting a notification of his presence. It was labeled as urgent from what R2-D2 informed him, after all.

So here he was, now entering into another sector Separatist System yet one would assume it to be a Republic one given the number of Venators and Acclamators now surrounding the planet of Iego.

Once confirming his identity, an escort of starfighters guided him to his destination. Landing his ship, he was greeted by the sight of many other Jedi, all of whom took note of his attire. Questions were obvious but that would have to wait.

What mattered was the Jedi Temple that had been found, catching the Grandmaster's full attention.

As he was led deeper into the apparent cavern this new temple had been found in, many of the Jedi greeted him and also found themselves staring.

Obviously many in the Order saw Yoda's new attire and bore questioning looks in turn.

For as long as they've known the Grandmaster, he's always worn a mismatch of brown and beige robes and garments.

To see him wearing this new set of garments…

And it wasn't just the robes.

Yoda exuded the Force in a way they had never felt before. It was powerful, yes, but warm and inviting, somehow more so than the usual amount he had.

But these questions would be addressed later.

For now, he was brought before the Jedi Masters and Knights who had all been a part of the Gathering.

And of course…

"Master Yoda… uh…" Anakin looked at him in bemusement, completely taken aback by what he was wearing, a sentiment the other Jedi shared. "I take it your own journey was eventful."

"It would seem both ends were, Young Skywalker." Reaching into his pack, Yoda pulled out Marr's holocron. "Return, I have promised." Anakin takes back the holocron and puts it away but not before giving his thanks.

Before he was able to ask what had happened, a new voice cut his chance off.

"Holy shit, Master Yoda?" Scott Lang came in, gaping at the Grandmaster's new look.

The other Avengers joined in and all commented on his clothing.

"Whoa~~ Master Yoda, are you Gandalf now?" Peter excitedly asked.

"He sure looks like it." Hope said in amused disbelief. "Looks like we got the movie wrong before ya left."

"So you fought a Balrog on your journey?" Parker was jumping up and down from excitement at the thought of it, throwing his hands up. "Ah man, I should have loaned you Droney. You could have recorded it all."

"Does that mean you fought the Balrog from the lowest depths to the highest mountain?" Clint inquired, evidently amused and excited himself.

"Was there lightning involved?" Hector asked. "Like, did ya throw up your lightsaber and super charge it for a last attack?"

"Can you guys do that?" Van Dyne said to the other Jedi, genuinely interested.

"No… or… I dunno, not yet." Anakin said with a shrug.

"I do believe Master Plo is the closest of us to accomplishing such a task." Barriss Offee commented, the Kel-Dor Jedi rumbling a small chuckle at that assessment. "Unless of course our Grandmaster beat him to it."

"Should we call you Yoda the White now?" Wanda couldn't help but ask and Yoda laughed, taking out the other Holocron, one that the other Jedi other than Anakin, recognized to be Sith. Their questions increased exponentially when it was placed in the hands of Maximoff.

"Metaphorical sense, I have. Literal, it would be difficult. No Mines of Moria, there were on my journey." Yoda then gazed past them, spotting several of the Younglings who had been chosen all now showing off their lightsabers to each other. "The Gathering, successful, yes?"

Some glanced back to the Younglings with Luminara answering for their group. "It was… unusual."

"And that's putting it politely." Shaak Ti tacked on.

"Much happened, I can sense." Yoda mused, rubbing his chin now. "What can you tell me?"

"Would you like the good or bad news first?" Hawkeye wryly asked.

Hearing the troubling request, Yoda gave the easy response. "The good."

They quickly listed off everything that had happened.

Primarily, the Younglings had all successfully harvested and constructed their lightsabers. Cal Kestis showed considerable promise, showing the Force abilities of stasis and Psychometry, the latter of which led them to finding the planet of Iego with the Temple on it.

The long believed to be extinct Diathim were here, watching over the Temple in great numbers on the planet, so there that is.

And a whole treasure trove of knowledge and such to be sifted through at the find of this lost Jedi structure.

"With that out of the way…" Peter said after that long winded explanation.

"Things on Iego got out of hand." An'ya Kuro said.

"The Bad, I take it now?" Yoda said more than asked.

"Yeah, this place has been cut off for nearly 4000 years, Master Yoda." Nuru said with a sad frown.

"The people here have been trapped this whole time." Maris added on, further troubling the little green alien.

"Mina Bonteri is already sending relief support to Iego's people to fix what happened." Anakin chimed in. "At least we can help them out right away."

Yoda nodded at that, gladdened to hear this matter being resolved. "The cause, what was it?"

"It's the temple here on this planet." Kuro said, frowning at this and looking back at the structure. "It was the reason why Iego was seemingly cut off for so long from the rest of the galaxy."

"Unusual, that is. A reason for it, yes?"

"The Diathim told us that they had been tasked to do so." Plo Koon answered. "They were supposed to watch over the temple until our Order found them again."

"The debris formed by this was their unknowing doing." Luminara stated. "They surmised that in their desire and objective in safeguarding this planet, the Force subconsciously obliged their request, creating the planet with a "thousand moons" as an added measure of safety."

"But that's not the unsettling part." Seeing Yoda's confusion, it was explained.

Rather than verbally answer him, Peter walked over to a pile of bodies that Yoda had not seen, making him do a double take.

Spider-Man's symbiote reached out to grab one of them, pulled it over and held it aloft in full display for the Grandmaster to get a good look at it and when he did…

"The Massassi?" He whispered in disbelief, eyes widening upon recognizing the deceased creature.

"And it wasn't just them." Shaak Ti's voice was disturbed and even rattled.

"They were being led by a couple of faces we knew and some we didn't." Wasp said with a grimace.

"General Grievous for one." Aayla Secura revealed. "All decked out and upgraded with new armor for his body."

"Then that psycho Durge." Black Widow grunted out.

"There was also Gethzerion, Olivia Octavius…"

That one name, in particular, was quick to stand out. "Octavius?" Yoda made a face as he searched for a face with that name but he got Peter instead, looking to the webhead. "From the other universe?"

"Yeah, she wound up here." Parker pointed to the ground with his fingers, letting out a derisive sigh, a hand to his face. "It happened when I was in that other reality with the other Spiders at the Collider. All those crazy glitches and intersections between realities made her wind up here… actually, now that I think about it, an Arc-Wing literally slammed into her. That's probably how she got here."

"And after seeing her here, there's now a serious chance that other people from that event have been dispersed across the Multiverse, others likely being here." Hope said in a grave tone.

"There's no telling if we got friendlies or enemies from it all." Ant-Man said with a troubled look. "We'll only find out if or reallywhenwe run into them."

Hector let out a withering sigh. "Not a great thought or reality, when ya think about it."

"Troubling, this all is." The Grandmaster Admitted.

"That's not all, Master Yoda." Says Shaak Ti, gaining his attention. "They came here for not only the Kyber crystals, but something else. The Diathim were safeguarding an Infinity Gate."

"And our attackers managed to get their hands on it." Anakin said with gritted teeth.

"An'ya, who or what was it again that you saw in the temple?" Secura asked, turning to the Dark Woman who crossed her arms, thinking back to the encounter.

"It was a dark specter, like a moving shadow. That is our only culprit who likely stole the Infinity Gate with Gethzerion's assistance."

"Mmmm, no longer troubling this is," The Grandmaster's frown was grim. "Dangerous, this is now becoming."

Yoda's mind was a rush with possibilities and culprits.

All of these people were too disconnected and different to be associated with each other yet they all came here as one to attack and steal an Infinity Gate. He went over them all in his head.

Durge was a Bounty Hunter but one who had a penchant for killing Jedi and Clones, so he was likely brought on as hired muscle.

Gethzerion, a powerful Nightsister from Dathomir who created the Nightsisters and was soundly expelled from them.

General Grievous, general of the Separatist Army who may or may not be acting independently from Dooku.

Olivia Octavius, a mad scientist and super villain who wasn't even from this universe.

And lastly, the Massassi, a species that was once made up the armies of the ancient Sith Species.

Then there was that shadow that An'ya and Jaro encountered.

Why were all these starkly different figures all working together? Was it the Sith? The Massassi were easy enough proof for that matter. But then there were the others, those who were the actual powerhouses behind this attack.

Another faction in the works, it must be.

"But the Diathim weren't just guarding an Infinity Gate, Master Yoda." Anakin spoke up, getting Yoda to glance at him.

"Something else, yes?"

There were murmurs of agreement but also uncertainty.

"We don't know if it's of any real significance or anything but…"

"Better for you to see than tell." Ahsoka said.

Nodding, Yoda gestured for them to lead him and they all headed inside the Jedi Temple. Much as Yoda wished to explore and take in the sights of this lost structure, he needed to keep his mind focused on the matter at hand.

Entering the large cavern, Yoda saw the indentations on the ground. It indicated where the Infinity Gate once resided.

However, this wasn't where their intended destination was. It was actually further back through a hidden pathway, courtesy of the natural rock formations.

Making it through, Yoda saw what was all so important.

It was of a circular design and around it, carved and painted onto the walls were artistic renditions of Diathim and with them, other Jedi. Or rather, Je'Daii from what Yoda would depict.

All of them pointing to, facing or moving to this singular circle on the wall that made Yoda's hairs stand up.

"This… what is this?"

"They say it's another gateway of some kind." Luminara said. "One that can only be accessed when you understand what it is."

"A name for it?"

"The gate has no name." Plo Koon stated. "But where it leads to does."

Yoda looked forward, walking to the mural on the wall and placed his hand upon it. He felt the Force radiating from it in a way he had not experienced even with what he had just gone through.

"And where does this lead to?"

"Elowen called it the World Between Worlds."


So this was fucking easy for the most part.

Really, we knew this to be a breeze so it only took like… three or four sit-downs to get this done. This was a long time coming, I remember talking about it for Yoda's artwork and hey, we gave him the origin of his new look, how bout that?

So a lot of character work here, a lot of learning, introspection, all that stuff, all in all a simple but still grand chapter.

But before we sign off on this chapter…

-Holiday Omake-

There was a lot of activity within the headquarters of the Avengers on the planet of Coruscant.

Decorations of the festive winter holiday variety had been strung up everywhere, Christmas, Hanukkah and other holiday decorations were all over the place.

And those in attendance to a grand gathering reflected the festive headquarters.

All twenty-nine Avengers were wearing holiday-themed outfits, some even in their suits that Peter, Pietro and other gamer oriented Avengers compared it to holiday skins in video games.

Tony's outfit consisted of a business suit that was red like wrapping paper with Santa's and reindeer all around it and he had "convinced" Rhodey to wear a matching blue one with elves and toy shops.

Steve opted for a full Santa outfit, something Bucky, Thor and Peter joined in with.

T'Challa and Shuri wore matching Christmas vibranium sweaters of literal Panthers wearing Santa hats.

Wanda and Pietro had on Kippah's with sweaters that were half Christmas tree and half menorah. Black Widow had a Kippah of her own with a green and red sweater and little Mara Jade was dressed like an adorable elf.

Merrin and Illyana were dressed as toy soldiers akin to the Rockettes from the Christmas show in New York, Hector joining them along with his daughter Ava who he brought on with them and Cassie, having been brought by Scott and Hope.

The shrinking duo had on holiday themed insect costumes with their antennae being antlers.

Matt wore his usual suit but had on a Santa hat, same as Sam who was with Dani and she wore an elf costume but she showed her boyfriend a special "alt" mode that would later make a proper debut in the bedroom.

Deliah Blue had the same costume and intention for Captain Rex, the Clone wearing an elf hat.

Shang Chi, Katy, Danny and Luke opted for Christmas sweaters, forcing one onto Jessica who was grumbling the whole time, drinking alcohol laced eggnog.

Doctor Strange, Mordo, Wong and Celeste all had changed the colors of their robing into holiday themes, having flurries of snow, candles, Christmas jingles, dreidels and all sorts of sounds associated with the winter holidays come from swishing of their capes and as spells up above the gathered crowd.

She-Hulk made no qualms about her outfit, being a sexy Santa. It showed off her body to its entirety save the long skirt that went down to her knees and the overcoat.

Somehow, Ghost Rider managed to have the Spirit of Vengeance exude a fire akin to a yuletide log without having Robbie shift into his other form.

Vision was already green and red, the customary colors of Christmas, so he just needed a Santa hat to complete his look but he did manage to alter the veiny wiring on his body to shift about on his chest, constantly forming holiday themed images like snowflakes, reindeer and such.

The Jedi, Clones, Senators and other friends and loved ones in attendance also were in the holiday spirit.

Chuchi dressed as an elf as well but the look she gave Pietro indicated there was more to the costume than on the surface.

Jane was with Darcy and Selvig along with the former of the two bringing her boyfriend along, Ian being awe and disbelief at being on another planet.

Aunt May was positively joyful with her Christmas themed apparel as was Clint and his family.

Several of the Jedi had gotten into the spirit of it all, their usual garments being replaced with typical holiday associated clothing.

The Clones also had their own alterations to the festivities, wearing uniforms decorated with candy canes and mistletoe.

Dinner was a grand affair, the center of the room having a large table that miraculously seated all in attendance. They dined and wined, laughed and told stories.

Soon after, gifts began to be exchanged.

Peter had made necklaces for May, Ahsoka and Barriss, utilizing his skills in chemistry and technology to create each one specific to the one he was gifting it to.

Thor got Jane a necklace of his own, one he got from his many adventures before coming to Earth but this one was special because his mother casted a spell of good fortune and one that reflected the deep bond he has with his loved ones.

Over with Tony and Steve…

"So what gift are you gonna get your girl? The gift of life?"

The good Captain gave a flat look at the billionaire.

"What? Too soon? I know you're old fashioned and all so I guess only after marriage… Wait, so you got a wedding ring? Are we gonna have two weddings on our hands now? Oh man, should I jump on that train? Happy, you still got that ring on ya?"

"Tony," Steve cut him off, giving him a pointed look. "Yes, I would rather wait to be married to have kids with Aayla, no, it's not happening tonight and what I got her is for her alone."

"Ah, the secretive route, I get it. I take it she'll get it in the bedroom. But at this rate, Stevie, you will be a father sooner than later if we keep catching you and Aayla after a fun night."

Steve could only walk away by this point, going over his girlfriend.

"You just can't help yourself, can you?" Rhodey dryly asked beside him now.

"Buddy, all of this is to make up for lost time." Stark retorted in a faux-sage and serious manner. "I need to do this to you, to Steve, Peter and the rest. Hard to do so with Pietro and Sam cuz they don't hide it but you and the others yet to be, it's a must."

War Machine only looked to the ceiling above, asking God why he continues to make Tony like this.


"These holidays are quite fun." Kit Fisto commented, enjoying the festive tone and vibe.

"Right?" Katy cheerfully said. "Christmas time is the best! It's when my mom is at her least mean and judgmental and lectures go down to an all-time low!"

"I thought she stopped doing that after you joined the Avengers." Shaun said in bemusement.

"Pfft, more like nonstop fretting and worrying laced with pride. Which, to be fair, is warranted." Katy stated.

"It just shows she cares." Kit commented. "Plus, she should be proud to have an Avenger for a daughter."

"Oh myGOD, why is your smile so awesome?!" Chen cried out, her shaking, outstretched hands hovering in front of the Nautolan who laughed at her display.

Jessica Jones opted to isolate herself for a few moments but her isolation was not to last.

"What troubles you, friends?" A baritone voice asked, the detective looking up at Plo Koon.

"I just want to be alone." Jones murmured, taking a swig of a bottle that she pulled from her jacket.

"Your demeanor and actions say otherwise." The Kel-Dor remarked and she scoffed.

"What? Did you pick up on it with your super special "Force" thing?" She mockingly asked before flinching. "Sorry. Just… not used to this sort of thing."

Plo simply hummed at this, standing beside her.

"And what are you used to, Ms. Jones?"

The drinker snorted, shaking her head. "Can it with that Miss shit. I ain't old enough for it."

Koon remained silent, waiting for her to respond to his question and she finally did.

"Just… being alone. Being betrayed. And also letting down others around me. I don't even think I deserve this."

Plo made a small disbelieving huff. "On the contrary, my friend, people like yourself do deserve their moments of happiness and respite. Whether you like it or not."

Jessica raised a brow at this. "And who are you to say that?"

"Experience has shown me for this to be the case." Plo Koon somberly said, making Jones look away.

The Kel-Dor turned to her, and since his eyes were obscured, Jessica couldn't see the mischief in the man's eyes.

"How's about this? Let's play a game of pool together and if you win, you can be all alone all night. But if I win, you must mingle all night, even if you don't want to."

Jessica went bug-eyed. "What? What kind of request is that?"

"The kind that's laced with the intentions of helping one who needs it. It is the curse of the Jedi." Plo dramatically said.

Jones stared at the Jedi Master for a while before snorting and putting on a challenging smirk.

"Alright, respirator, bring it. I'll have you know that pool is a hidden talent of mine."

"Is it? I have only just begun."

"Awfully confident then, huh?"

"Let's just say I enjoy the game."

The pair walked off, their conversation being overheard by Commander Wolffe, Obi-Wan, Satine, Sam and Dani.

"There's another one." Wilson remarked.

"How long do you think she'll last?" Dani asked.

"Time to find out then." Obi-Wan declared, the group going over to the pair who had already racked up.

All the while…

"Oh Cody~~~"

"Ms. Walters, please."

"Ah~~ breaking out the formality. Don't worry, I can work around that. Strict school teacher coming out."

"And I thought I was relentless." Deliah Blue commented off to the side.

"You were, Blue. Still are." Rex flatly said. His face heated up as she pressed her body against his, his arm being sandwiched between her large bust.

"Don't pretend you don't like it, my Captain." She breathed into his ear, loving the feeling of his shiver. "After all, later tonight, you'll be ripping open your present when we have some alone time."

"Dear God, Deliah, have some self-control." Rex almost pleaded.

"I can't when I'm with you."

This was all seen by Anakin and Padme.

"Oh dear," The Latter said with a sympathetic smile. "I had only spoken with Deliah a few times but I never realized she was that persistent."

"Yeah, it's pretty funny." Anakin freely said, loving the look on Rex's face right now. "The boys and I love it."

"Anakin," Amidala lightly admonished her husband. "Shouldn't you be a good friend and help him?"

"What do you mean, I am." He said in false indignation. "I'm doing what I learned from Earth, abiding by the "bro code". And the Bro Code entails I do everything in my power to put my friend in situations for my amusement and those that benefit him. Rex has a girl and I laugh at his expense with how he reacts. Win-win."

Padme tried to look disappointed but failed, shaking her head at his response. "Then why not pull rank and order to stop."

"Pfft, like I'd ever do that to Rex. Besides, if anyone deserves a woman like her, it's him. He's not just my right hand man anymore. He's put his life on the line for me a thousand times by now and he'll likely do so a thousand times more. And I'll do the same for him."

His wife smiled at that, the unspoken bond of friendship her husband shared with his Captain, deciding to pull him away for a more private moment.

This was also happening with Steve and Aayla, the Twi'lek having dragged her lover into their room where she managed to decorate a full bush of mistletoe on the ceiling above. Not hard to deduce what was to happen next, much to Steve's slight embarrassment, knowing Tony likely is aware of this and will only add more ammunition to the man's relentless teasing.

All the while, Wanda and Pietro with Natasha, Clint and his family were explaining the purpose of the Kippahs to Chuchi.

"Yeah, our dad was Jewish and mom converted to it." Pietro explained. "We celebrate both Christmas and Hanukkah."

"And what about you, Natasha?" Chuchi asked.

"It's kinda hard to explain." She admitted, swaying back and forth with Mara in her arms, her daughter beginning to doze off. "I don't really remember a lot from before I was taken into the Red Room. Just that I… had parents and I only could remember the smell of cake and the sound of the Shabbat prayer a few times."

"You know, I can maybe help you get those memories." Wanda said. "Hard to think I never really thought about that."

"Another time, Wanda." Natasha asked, a grateful smile directed at her friend and teammate. "For now, let's just enjoy the holidays."

"Here, here," Pietro said, wrapping his arms around his soon to be wife. "First one with my fiancé."

Chuchi blushed happily at this, pecking his cheek lovingly.

"Maybe it won't just be you two at the rate you're going." Pietro's twin sister wryly and knowingly said, getting her future sister-in-law to gain a darker shade, now mortified slightly at her implication.

"I wouldn't mind that." Quicksilver cheekily said, looking down at his girl. "What do you think, Riyo?"

"Pietro Maximoff." Wanda now said, hands on her hips.

"What? You started it."

"He's got ya there." Clint stated. "Then again, at the rate the others are going, there's gonna be a whole litter of kids from all of us."

"More play people?" Nathaniel Barton innocently asked and his father scooped him up and tossed him in the air to catch him, his youngest son laughing at this.

"That's right, kiddo, more friends to play with to look forward to." Clint happily said, his son laughing and clapping at the idea.

"Geez, that's gonna be crazy." Nat couldn't help but comment though she smiled all the same. "It would be nice though."

"Guess that means we gotta speed it up." Pietro quipped, laughing at the light slap on his chest he got from Chuchi.

And scene.

I wanted to make this sooooooooooooooooo much longer but that would be an additional five thousand words.

So, let's just settle it here for now lest I go crazy and keep adding more.

Happy holidays everyone.

We beat our time and had one more chapter before the end of the Year and also ended the Tales of the Jedi Arc.

So now, we can start off 2025 with the Avengers Arc, Tales to Astonish.

Wish to say more but for now, I'll save it for later.

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, New Years and all the winter holidays and let's hope for a better 2025.

Rate Read and Review and from Infinite Wars, until next year.

Avengers: Infinite Wars - Chapter 125 - FreeManWriter (2025)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

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Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.